T'was the night before Halloween

Start from the beginning

"Password?" The entrance to the commen room asks.

"Salazar" I answer and dash up to our dorm.

"Alright here's the plan we cast a spell that makes the students of every house turn part of their house mascot. Like Gryffindors lion mane, Hufflpuff stripes, Ravenclaw claws, and Slytherin scales." I talk a mile a minute wanting to go meet Bella.

"Genius!" I get a couple praises but dash out the door holding one red lollipop and one blue one.

I'm so glad I wore my converse today.

I run into the library and to the back were Bella was waiting reading.

"Hey Bella" I sit down gasping for air, let me tell you Hogwarts is huge. Not a good idea to run across it with no breaks.

"Hey Saph, good prank the other day." She compliments me.

"Thanks wait til you see the Halloween one by the way how do you feel about lion manes?" I ask.

"I think that they're cute, I love lions!" She exclaims.

"Ok good." I say.

"Why did you ask?" She questions.

"Surprise!" I answer. She laughs at my childish antics. I then remember the lollipops in my hand.

"Oh, I brought you a lollipop." I hand her one hoping she likes red.

"Thank you." She smiles blushing.

"Welcome." I blush. Why am I blushing exactly? We eat our lollipops in comfortable silence.

"So, what do you think of Professor Quirell?" I take my lollipop out of my mouth.

"I think he's an idiot." She states.

"Oh good I'm not the only one!" I laugh She laughs with me.

"Seriously though, does he actually know anything about defence against the dark arts?" Bella asks.

"I don't think so!" We continue to laugh.

"Oh my god and his turban?? What is with that?!" Bella makes us laugh even harder.

"I heard its packed with garlic!" I inform her gasping for breath.

"Oh my god!" Bella gasps. We laugh for basically the rest of the time before dinner.

I glance down at my wrist and see it's 5:00.

"Gotta go!" I wave she looks upset our time was up but quickly covers it up.

"See ya!" She says.

I walk out and then run to the great hall and slide next to Snitch at the table.
"Hey guys!" I greet happily.

"I think we should invite Peeves on our Halloween prank." Moony says logically.

"I agree actually, he could help." I agree with Moony.

"Ok then, where should we tell him?" Kitty asks.

"More importantly where can we find him?" Snitch points out.

"Maybe we can tell him tonight?" I suggest.

"Yeah we could dress in our costumes and meet him in the hall." Snitch agrees.

"By the way how did he figure out we were the Masquerades?" Kitty questions.

"I'm not actually sure however I doubt much gets past him he is a poltergiest." Moony says thoughtfully.

That's when Chris comes over.

"Hey." He greets.


"Did it hurt?" He asks

"Huh?" I tilt my head to the side confused.

"When you fell from heaven?" He winks.

"No, but I did scrap my knee climbing out of tarturus." Yes yes I know what your thinking, Sapphire Black is a Greek mythology nerd?? Yes she is, guilty pleasure.

"I know sucky pick up line." He looks down in shame.

"Yeah... you might wanna work on those." I suggest. He walks away then and we burst into hysterical giggles.

"Oh...my....god! That...was...hilarious!" Kitty gets out between fits of laughter.

"You put him in his place!" Snitch laughs.

"Ok ok serious question." Moony gets us to stop laughing "do you fancy him?"

"Maybe just a little..." I look down embarrassed.

"Aaaw! Our little Saphie has a crush!" Kitty teases.

"Shut up!" I say playfully.

They don't stop they just keep teasing.
So who do you guys ship Saph with?? *wiggles eyebrows* please tell me in the comments! Love yas!

~Azzy supreme ruler and master of all things living dead and in between.

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