Chapter 2

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I followed him towards the empty hotel coridor . Stupid idea,stupid idea Scarlett what if he wants to rape you or something , what if he is a serial killer, but he's to hot for a serial killer . And my cousin would never give an invitation to his brothday party to a serial killer , but the rape option is still possible . What would I do now ? Run? I can't? Okay just go with it and God Bless You Scarlett

He was leaning against the wall "Hey Scarlett you look hot." He said while checking me out
"How do you know my name?And stop staring at me!"
"I'm Luke and I don't bite, so come closer so I don't have to kinda shout to talk to you" he waved his hand signaling me to move closer.I have no idea what it is but my body just feel like attracted to him,so I moved closer to him.

"What do you want ......"
"Right, What do you want Luke ? You're not gonna do anything bad , are you?" How can I forgot his name , he just told me a couple seconds ago lol

"Do you want to see your Grandpa?"he asked me

"How ? I mean he's already dead..." The memories of him starting to flow into my mind once again, that pain made me almost tear up .

"Sure about that ?" He said. And he pull something out of his pocket and draw a wierd symbol on the wall." Hey you can't draw on the wall, you will get in a major trouble for that ." I told him . "Don't worry they wouldn't notice " he said still facing the wall. " Haha yeah like they're gonna think 'look that is a new design on the wall , I didn't notice at all' " I said sarcastically . Right after I said that he was right the symbol begin to fade and suddenly turn into a picture of my grand dad in some majestic kind of library . But it's not just like a picture my grand dad move and I was shocked to death. " Scarlett " my grand dad said. I just stood there freeze and shocked. I think to myself , is it real or is it a dream what happened here , what the hell is that . And my thought cut off by Luke who was calling me . "Scarlett hey Scarlett hello...." He looked at me . I started tearing up.

"How can I proved that this is you grandpa?" I ask him.

"Ask me anything ." He said

"What is my favorite food when I was 2 " if he is my grandpa he would know.

"Steamed Potatoes" he simply said .
I couldn't held back my tear , it's really him."How can you still be alive ? I saw you on the coffin and why are there alot of tattoos of wierd symbol on your body?and why-"
He cut me " Now I need you to trust Luke .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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