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(AN: This was fun, and I am incredibly sick, but hey! - Emmzy xx)

He looks at him across the panel that they're sitting at, while Bob and Wade are talking. He smiles, and he smiles back, giving him an air kiss across Jack just for fun. The audience notices, and a number of "ooooo"'s and "ahhhhh!"'s come from them at the interaction of the couple.
"Pewds." Mark says deeply into his microphone, and many fangirls of the audience scream in response.
"Yes Mark?" Felix says, looking at Mark with a smirk.
"Do you think we should tell them?"
Felix's eyes widen, they hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet. Felix thinks about the consequences, but then looking at Mark, decides, "eh, whatever."
"Sure." Felix smirks at Mark, and the audience screams, even though they have no idea what is going on.
"Okay then," he says back, "Guys, Felix and I..." He nods for Felix to go on.
"Oh hurry up Mark! We're together!"
The audience is screaming, and everyone on the panel stares in shock. Felix looks at Mark, and smiles.
"So to that one person that argued why we're not sitting together, cheers to that!"
Mark laughs, and so does everyone else.
Felix is happy.

Knocking off that night from the con, the group decide to head to a restaurant, situated a few blocks away from the con. Finally taking a seat in one of the booths, Wade speaks first.
"Why didn't you tell us?!"
The couple just laugh as Felix snuggles into Mark.
"Because, we didn't know what you would think."
"You know we wouldn't have cared if you told us, we would've been happy!" Bob says smiling at them. Mark smiles back.
"So that's why you were so eager to have Felix on the panel and at the signing.
"Yeah, he was practically begging me to come." Felix says yawning, he's obviously tired.
"Felix! Don't stir them!"
"Aw man!" Jack says, "This is awesome! Two of my best friends dating? Who knew right."
Felix yawns, "I swear I've never been more tired, can we go, Mark?"
"You gotta eat!" Mark says, pushing a bit of hair out of Felix's eyes, "otherwise, you'll get sick!"
A waitress comes over to the table and starts taking the groups orders. After eating, the group says their goodbyes, and Mark and Felix head back to their hotel.
"I'm really cold." Felix says, leaning into Mark, Mark puts his arm around Felix.
"Yeah, here we are." They both turn into the hotel front doors and head into the elevator.
Today was the day of the signing. The roughest day of PAX. Felix did expect utter chaos, and that was what they got.
Arriving into the signing was cool, and feeling much better after a goodnights sleep, Felix was pumped about meeting the fans today.
After entering into the barrier between the fans and them, they started meeting them. Felix had never experienced anything like it before, meeting people who actually wanted to meet him. Felix remembers talking to many fans who supported him and Mark, talking about how they were the cutest together, but he remembers one particular fan hating on them.
"So this shit with Mark, I can't be true, right?"
"No, it definitely is." Felix replied smiling.
"Please, that's fucking stupid, why would you date such a looser, or be gay in the first place?"
"Um..." Felix felt very uncomfortable, but luckily, Mark noticed this and excused himself from the fan he was currently meeting.
"Um hey, it would be great if, you know, just left. We don't need your negativity here."
The fan walked off, rolling their eyes.
"Thanks babe!" Felix said smiling, kissing Mark on the cheek.
After the signing, that went for a long six hours, the pair headed off, they were both tired anyway.
"Thanks for standing up for me today babe."
"No problem, I know that this was your first convention, something was bound to happen."
"Well I'm glad you were here with me."
"So did you like it?"
"I loved it."
"Coming to the next one?"
"Only if you'll come with me."

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