Just What I Needed

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(AN: like this song so yeah. Enjoy this late night, early morning, afternoon, whatever the fuck drabble, wuv you. - Emmzy xx)
"Felix? You up yet?" Mark called for his roommate from the kitchen.
"Yeah, I'm up!" Felix called back, obviously pre-occupied with something. Coming down the stairs and into the kitchen, Felix sat down on one of the stools.
"Someone's looking fancy today!"
"So, there anything you want to tell me?" Mark said, pretending to be interested in the breakfast he was making.
"Nope, not that I know of."
"You know that I can tell when you're lying, Felix."
"Yeah, I know."
"So, do tell."
"What? There's nothing to tell!"
"Right, I completely believe that."
Felix rolled his eyes.
"Why have you gotta know about everything?"
"Because I'm your best friend. Your bullshit, is my bullshit. I gotta make sure that you're not gonna be followed home by some creepy ass dude."
"Ugh, Fine then."
"Yes?" Mark said with a smirk.
"Cry and I, are going on a date today."
Mark's eyes went wide.
"Yes! But keep it hush hush, we don't want anyone finding out."
"Got it."
"So that means you can't Instagram it."
"Got it."
"Or Facebook it."
"Got it."
"Or Tweet it."
"Got it."
"You can't put it in a video either."
"God damn it Felix! That was my last one! Ugh, got it. Which restaurant you going to anyway?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Why not?"
"Because I know that you'll follow me there. You'll put on some fake-ass disguise, hide in a plant, and make a fool out of yourself."
"I would never do that!"
"Mark, please. Remember that one time you-"
"And we don't need to talk about that! Anyway, have a nice date!" Mark said walking off to his recording room. Mark admitted it that he felt in ping of jealousy inside of him.
"I should be the one Felix is dating."
Shut it, Mark.

Felix burst through the door, shutting it behind him and slid down it on his back.
"How was it?!" Mark asked eagerly, getting up from his place on the couch.
"You waited up for me?"
"Duh? So, how was it." Mark asked as Felix stood up again.
"Shit. Probably the worst date I've been on."
Mark smiled, and in an instant, pinned Felix to the door.
He kissed Felix softly, their lips fitting together like puzzle pieces.
"You're mine now."
Felix leaned in, and smiled.
"I'm yours now."

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