Betrayal- 6.

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   Lockwood had made an effort. Whether it was for my benefit or Kipps' I couldn't tell, but he certainly looked his usual dapper self as he stood on the sidewalk, the slight breeze ruffling his slicked back hair and turning up the collar of his greatcoat. He gripped the rapier at his waist, his knuckles white with tension and his jaw clenched. He could obviously feel my prescence beside him and after what had happened back at Portland Row he'd refused to even look at me, his aggravation almost palpable in the air around him.

   "They're certainly taking their time," he muttered, turning his head slightly so I could just make out the profile of his face. His eyes were dark and moody as they studied the streetscape, narrowing as he made out the form of a taxi in the distance. My gaze was focussed on the house, a shiver running through me as the memories flooded my vision, the blood draining from my cheeks. Lockwood must have had half an eye on me because he said, "Don't worry Lucy. Finn will be there to be protect you."

   "I don't need protection," I growled out.

   "Just don't go any where on your own."

   "I'm not a child Anthony."

   "Well isn't this pleasant. Love does such strange things to a person, don't you think so Finn?"

  Lockwood and I had been so deep in our argument we hadn't noticed Quill Kipps and his gang pull up to the curb and hop out.They had the full ensemble this time, Bobby Vernon and all. I glared fiercely round at them, though faltered when I caught sight of Finn. His eyes held a barest flicker of amusement at seeing me argue with Lockwood, but the way his right hand kept clenching and unclenching was enough to tell me he wanted to sock Lockwood in the jaw, Lockwood had a closed expression on his face as he turned to Quill but his gaze kept flickering to Finn, unable to hide the unease and anger he felt.

   "Let's just get inside," Finn said quietly. "Lucy's shivering."

   "Take my coat," Lockwood said to me gently, slipping the garment from his shoulders. I backed away, holding up my hands.

   "I'll ruin your good coat," I warned, not wanting to start a fight between Lockwood and Finn here and now. Lockwood flashed his megawatt smile.

   "And I'll where it with pride," he said, helping me into it, so shocked by his sweet words I didn't have it in me to refuse. "Let's set up in the kitchen. George can make the hot drinks. Vernon, you can set your stuff up on the table. We've got a lot to discuss and we have to be prepared by nightfall."

   Lockwood held the door open for me on the way in, his fingers brushing across my wrist as we headed for the kitchen, elicting a warm tingle in the pit of my stomach. Finn hadn't approached me, but I felt sure he would as time went on. For now I had Lockwood on my heel at every turn, pulling out a chair for me around the small kitchen table. As he brought me over a fresh cup of tea I couldn't hold back any longer.

   "Right, what's this about?"

   "He's staking a claim, or isn't obvious enough for you?" Kat sneered as she took the seat opposite. "Not that Finn's interested in you anyway."

   Finn sent her a muderous glare but said nothing.

   "I'm trying to win back your heart," Lockwood murmured, his hand warm on my shoulder and his breath tickling the shell of my ear. His teeth nicked the lobe and I felt my heart stop in my chest. But then my eyes found Finn's and I sat back in my seat, taking a restorative and calming sip of tea. Lockwood's muscles were taught as he leant back against the wall, one hand possessively on the back of my chair. I tried to keep calm as George explained the situation, Bobby occasionally adding words of disgust or disbelief.

   "This isn't like your usual work George. Don't tell me you stole it off DEPRAC? Oh, but wait. They're likely in on the conspiracy as well, aren't they. Oh my you've done well. Was this all Lockwood's mad mutterings?"

   "Actually it was Lucy's discovery," Finn interrupted Bobby's tirade, eyes downcast.

   "With Finn and Lockwood's help, of course," I said quickly.

   "Balancing both boys are you?" Kipps asked jovially, though he quickly reverted to business. "We'll need to seperate. Lockwood, Finn and Lucy I suggest you stick together. No one wants to be involved in your little love triangle so I suggest you sort it out."

   "Or what?" I asked, not liking the underlying threat in his voice.

   "Or I will arrange to have your suspicions put before DEPRAC. I doubt they'll appreciate the implications  that they and other heads of state are involved in some kind of criminal gang turned hit squad," he said, smiling beautifically.

   "You will do nothing of the sort," Lockwood growled.

   "That's up to Lucy," Quill said. "George and Bobby can stay in this half of the downstairs. It's the place with the least psychic residue but it also where the study is. While Lucy's conspiracy theory sounds fanatastical there may be some substance to it and if this really is a Fairfax residence you may find some evidence in the study. Kat and I will search the other half and the rest of you can have the upstairs. Please keep your noise level to a minimum; the rest of us don't have any interest in your domestic."

   "Speak for yourself," George muttered.

Sorry for having been absent for a while now but EXAMS! Anyhow, now I'm free and should be able to update more regularly! I know this is short but there should be more soon and I'm exhausted and this was the best I could do. Who's ready for the epic Finn/Lockwood showdown? ;D

Love you all and thanks for all you support <3

The Shimmering Wraith (Lockwood and Co. Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें