Why Twilight is better than Harry Potter

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I found these Reasons why Twilight is better than Harry Potter. And here are my opinions on them. 

1- the writing is better The writing is better? I wouldn't have gotten through my english class if there was no Harry Potter! 

 2- the actors/actresses who film the movie are talented Kristen Stewart just had the same expression on her face for the whole movies! Hermione actually showed emotions, like happiness, jealousy, sadness. There are all the world's emotions in Harry Potter like happiness, sadness, grief, jealousy, jokes whereas in Twilight there's only sadness and just something I like to call Bland. I cried in the deaths, I laughed at the jokes. Hell, even the ANIMATED CHARACTERS made me cry! Dobby! I didn't feel anything for twilight. 

 3- bella is a role model (she teaches people to hold on to their friendships and stuff and keep their secrets) She also teaches people to drop everything, school, family, everything and go join a boy vampire who only just met you and be prepared to give their lives to him. Hermione didn't commit suicide when Ron left and I think that's what books should be teaching teenagers. To be brave and strong, not pathetic and useless without love. 

 4-it has a PLOT!! And what a nice plot it is. Bella falls in love with a boy vampire stalker who abuses her while trying to 'protect' her. Bella's ex falls in love with her demon child which doesn't really promote a positive message. Quoting Stephen King, "Harry Potter is all about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend." 

 5-the scenes in the movies are exciting I guess we really lost to this one, huh, potterheads? We only have Harry Potter killing a basilisk, facing Voldemort and being cut for blood to bring Voldemort alive. He's only been crucio-ed. And the epic battle in the last was just a feather compared to Edward ripping out a demon child from Bella. 

 6- the effects are amazing Oh, I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I'm too busy seeing Hogwarts, The basilisk, the spells, the confrontations, the giants, the trolls, the thestrals etc. 

7-a story about a vampire,werewolf, and mortal beats a swinging wand boy and his enemy the beast A story about a wizard and his friends trying to kill the most powerful dark wizard by destroying parts of his soul beats a story about a stretched love triangle between a stalker vampire, a pedophilliac werewolf and a useless mortal. 

 8- the actors and actresses are attached to their character and love them Emma, like her character in Hermione, is doing some good in the world. Daniel is still doing movies. Rupert, like Ron, isn't doing anything because HE'S EARNED SO MUCH FROM THE HP MOVIES! Last time I checked, Kristen wasn't a emotionless mortal, Robert didn't sparkle and Taylor wasn't attracted to children. 

 9-the characters are not all good or all evil Same in HP. Ron wasn't all good, he left when he lost patience. Hermione was losing patience too but didn't leave Harry. The evil in Harry sometimes emerged but he quickly stomped it. I admit Voldemort was all evil but it's because he's incapable of love. He was conceived under the effects of a love potion. 

 10-the evil people are villians for a reason like the newborn army in eclipse who almost killed the whole city of seattle or the volturi (they are not evil evil they have some good in them) Our Bella could kick your Bella's ass. Our Voldemort could take on the entire volturi by himself. Enough said. 

11-the characters in twilight are nice and have a great personality and they are hot and cool too (they are lovable for that) Dumbledore protected Harry against all odds. Minerva looked after all the students. Ron stood by Harry. Hermione actually helped Harry and Ron with spells and homework even if she was mad. Took a good look at Emma Watson right now? Hot, huh? Of course, I don't care if they're hot or not, their acting is awesome and they make me want to join in their emotions. 

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