Chapter 7

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I sit on my bed and play nervously with the paper Alexander had given me. I feel my heart hammering in my chest and in my ears drowning out the rage of the storm. Damien's in your house. He's inside he could be in your closet! I laugh and shake my head. I have such an over active imagination. But what if you're not imagining things? The tiny voice in my head chimed in. "This is going to bug you till the end of time so just do it." I scold myself. I swallow and stand, my hands tremble as I walk over. The floor boards creak as I cross my room to my walk-in closet. I place my hand on the brass handle. I breath in and out trying to calm myself. My heart thunders as I slowly turn the doorknob. My heart threatens to break through my chest as the door creaks open slightly.

I swallow and throw the door open. I grab the first thing I see, a rubber bat. "well that's definitely helpful." I mutter and chuck the bat back into my closet. I look up at the shelves and examine each and every nook and cranny. My glance grazes a large ape like thing and I freeze, as though if I stop moving I would become invisible. MOVE YOU TWIT!! The little voice screams. The object remains in place, forcing me to wonder what it is.

I pick up a stick and poke at it, nothing. I place the stick down and place my foot on the lowest of the shelves. I reach up extending my fingers to reach the object. To short. I jump and grab hold of the fabric, causing myself and the object to fall. I crash down and land in a laundry basket, the object sits on my lap. I laugh when I recognize the large panda I bought in Newfoundland. I took a trip there about three years ago and went to the zoo. This panda is one of those things that seems like a good idea at the time, but then in retrospect is a terrible decision.

I throw the bear off of me and thrust myself upwards, causing me to hit my forehead on my dresser. I let out a long sting of soft curses and touch my forehead with my fingertips. I feel a warm liquid drip down my brow. I pull my fingers away and look at the blood on my fingertips. "Of course you had to cut yourself," I mutter standing up. The blood rushes from my head, causing my vision to go black. I sway back and forth forcing my to grab the door for support, which turns out to be a terrible idea. The door swings shut, pinching my fingers and sending me forward to knock my head against the door.

"God your a cults aren't you?" Damien's voice says from the other side of the door.

I feel the colour in my face drain, making me look like a ghost. I feel a scream rise in my throat and quickly strangle it. I think quickly, what do I need todo. I feel helpless and try to force my brain to speed up. Think! I scream at myself, What do you need todo? Work faster. Think! I feel my heart thundering as I get myself worked up. Distract him, stall! My thoughts scream.

I swallow, okay, find a topic to stall on. I whisper so that I'm barely audible to myself. "So, why do you want me?" I ask. Venturing a dangerous guess I speak again, "you said something about a king," I swallow, "he wants me doesn't he?" I wait. I tremble, barely registering something brushing against my fingers.

"Oh, your in no place to make demands, my dear." I feel a soft tingle in my fingers as he speaks, and snap to attention he could easily them off, because they are still stuck in between the door and the doorframe. I had a light pressure against the door so I hadn't lost circulation yet.

"Don't be afraid." A different voice whispers. It's a mans voice, gentle and light. "I won't let them hurt you, however unless you take your fingers out of the door you will lose those." He chuckles softly as I pull my fingers out and slam the door shut. He doesn't try to open it, he merely muses, "I wonder why Alexander isn't here yet. He certainly seems to fancy you."

My cheeks turn a bright red and I lean on the door. Does he know I like him? I wonder, my cheeks glowing an exuberant red. I chew on my thumb nail and feel giggling. I'm not sure why, but I do. Maybe it's because I'd never had a boy like me, or at least, not to my knowledge. I want to sigh and spin around my room, but that had currently been overrun by lunatics.

"Yes well this has been fun, but we really do need to get going Stiren." Damien snapped.

"Stiren?" I ask as I choke back a laugh. "Is that your name?" If it is his name, I feel bad for him.

"Yes it is," Stiren says calmly. His voice is almost soothing, if it weren't for the fact that I was about to be killed. "Can I come in?"

Shit! I plant my feet hard into the ground and press against the wood. I feel some pity for him, but at the same time his name demanded dominance. "Sort of held up, ya know, trying to not go anywhere near Damien again, because he, well, you know." I stumble with my words up till this point when I feel a sudden confidence. "After people try to throw you off of a bridge or try to strangle you to death, you sort of get a feeling of hate towards them."

"I can send him and Cheyenne away if that will get you to come out." Stiren says just loud enough for me to hear.

I hesitate, then hear a loud tump. The colour drains from my face as my mind and heart race, I hope they haven't broken anything, I can't afford anything! I hear my own heavy breathing and sink down to the floor. I feel a sudden rush of fear causing adrenaline to pump into my veins.

"Stay there Kimberly!" Alexander's voice calls.

I gasp feeling relieved, I'm going to be alright. He's here to help. I'm alright. I close my eyes and let the sound of the voices lul me to sleep.

I shout when a thump hits the back of the door. My heart rate jumps daring to burst through my chest yet again. I listen as voices speak softly just beyond the door. I swallow and move to stand. I plant my feet beneath me, however when I thrust myself upwards,i stumble to the left and bonk my head on the shelf.

"You alright Kimberly?" Alexander calls.

"Fuck, um...yah." I mutter. I feel groggy, being pulled in and out of sleep was not doing me well.

"Can you come out?" He asks gently from just beyond the door. He turns the door nob and pushes the door in, just skimming my arm. "I didn't catch your arm did I?" He speaks quietly, knowing if he raised his voice much louder there would be no hope for me to fallback asleep anytime soon.

I shake my head as he guides me back to my room, "what'd you do with them?"

"I got rid of Cheyenne and Damien, but Stiren isn't a threat, and he offered to wait while I finished up everything with you." He says helping me sit on the edge of my bed. "However we can talk about that tomorrow. If you need me at all tonight, I'll be outside. you can tell me where you would like me, but I'll be there. Alright?"

I nod but before I can speak Stiren pops in, "Alexander, perhaps you should introduce me." He smiles gently at me, looking about as harmless as a rose. But then again, roses looks are very deceiving. They may look pleasant but if you rub them the wrong way, they'll stab you.

"Tomorrow, Stiren." Alexander sighs, "besides, I feel as though Kimberly has a whole slew of more questions." he pulls back my sheets and let's me get comfy before he pulls them back up over me. I turn onto my side, feeling sleep overcome me. "Kimberly, I want you to come by my house first thing in the morning okay? When the sun is up, I'll head back to my place, I want you to come immediately after you wake up okay?"

My head swims with a strong sense of confusion, but I nod anyway. I feel my exhaustion pulling me in, not willing to let go. "alright." I murmur, my eyes barely open.

He nods before grabbing Stiren and throwing him out the window, "good night, Kimberly."

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