Chapter 2.

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OK so here's the plan this is chapter two and it's from Brooklyn's POV (point of view), the plan is to do a 3rd person chapter (chapter 1) a 1st person Brooklyn chapter ( 2nd chapter) and then another 3rd person chapter and then maybe a chapter form Samson's POV?

As always read and commoent and let me know what you thik please :) <3

Chapter 2


What am I going to do now? Everybody knows that I like him and there's no going back now. Friday was definitely a day I was dreading but I was still hoping somewhere in the back of my mind that because I wanted it to this would all go away. Alex had made me admit to myself that I really did like Samson, but was I really ready to admit it to the rest of the world. A smile was still on my face as I got into school and as wasn't really talking to the rest of the people in her group I decided not to wait for rachel and go with Abi to wait outside out first class. But I still needed to talk to Rachel. Me and Abi along with Alice were the first there but going on experiance I didn't have long till everyone else arrived. I was fidgety the way I always was when I needed to talk to someone. I'd been texting Rachel the night before and so she knew I needed to tak to her but as she was with her dad that night she would be cutting it fine to get to school on time as it was. I was off in a world of my own when Abi started hitting my arm, she was almost trying to break my arm by the time I respond. I wasn't sure how long I'd been gone for but there were now about ten of us in the small hall way and one other tall sliolet that didn't quite fit.

"Brook, there's someone here for you." Abi nudged her head towards the door way and the tall silolet stepped out of the shadows. I was sat on the floor with a confused look on my face but as soon as I saw who it was i jumped up.

"Samson!" I started to walk over to him and the gangerly legs of my friends made it almost impossable to lok at anything but the floor when I was walking. "What are you doing here?" I was still confused as to why he wanted me.

"Well last time I cheeked this was my school too but maybe I got on the wrong bus this morning or something." that cheeky grin was attacking his face again but I just loved it so much that I didn't care.  

"Oh ha ha very funny," my sarcastic tone seemed to make him laugh, but something behind me seemed to catch his attention. I turned around to find all my "friends" making kissing faces and noises. So before it got too out of hand I grabbed Samson's arm and pulled him around so he was facing away from them. I gave Abi and Alice a glared that they knew too well. They stopped making the noises but the faces continued. "No really why are you here?"

"Well I was wondering if you'd possably done the piece of homework that had to been in next lesson did you?" Samson's voice was pleading and I kind of felt sorry for him. Thankfully I'd done my homework and he still had time to do it if I gave it to him now.

"Yeah, Samson hear you go." I replied with a sort of nothing in my voice as I reached into my bag to dig out my English book. I flicked through until I found the sheet that Samson wanted and I flicked it out away from me and towards.

He snatched the sheet from my hand and gave me a careless but somehow still thoughtful "Goodbye," as he walked back through the double doors and back onto the playground outside. I turned around on the spot, pointed my finger and walked purposely towards Abi and Alice.

"I'm going to kill you two," I still had my finger pointed at them but I couldn't help but smile because I knew exactly what they were talking about but I did't think they did.


As Miss Bridge opened the door to our English room the boys were the first in which was odd but then the low cut top she was wearing probably had something to do with it. As i walked past his seat Samson handed me back the sheet of paper and as i turned around and headed back to my seat I noticed Alex give me the look that he gave me less than 24 hours the last time we had English.

Samson was now completly confusing me, one moment he was almost acting like we were going out and the next he was acting like I was something on the bottom of his shoe?

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