The Alpha

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"My name is Tony, and I will be your alpha from now on. I suggest you give up any thought to escaping now because that's not going to happen." He flashed us a smile and a women snarled. Myself included. "Oh come on girls, no need to be rude! We only do this once a year and this shit hole is getting kind of full so we will do it in a few months. The highest up members get first pick, some prefer the younger ones, some prefer the older ones, some prefer more than one. I myself haven't chosen my mate yet so maybe one of you will have the honor." (Image of Tony up top)
"Who are those people in the other cell?" I decided to speak out. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy, except for Tony who smirked and kept eye contact with me.
"Nobody you have to worry about sweetness. Why don't you stand up so I can see you better?" He purred.
I stood up and put my hands on my hips, refusing to avert my eyes like he expected me too.
"Sassy are we? You must have been high up where ever you came from. And is that what I think it is? Ooooooh, we will have to fix that." He clucked his tongue with his eyes on my stomach. He brought his eyes back up to mine and started to laugh as he turned around and went up the stairs.
"Dove," Charlie gently touched my arm and I realized I was shaking. I out my hand on my stomach and accepted the food she handed me.
After eating it, I had to teach Melody how to change her body to fit through the bars, she was already quite thin so she did less work than me I squeeze through and shift.
The light had faded from the small window so Melody took the night shift while the rest of us slept.
Everybody had fallen asleep except for Marie, Melody and I. I could hear Marie quietly humming under her breath to get her son to sleep.
"What did you name him Marie?" I whispered.
"My mates name was Bruce so I was going to name one Bruce Jr and the other Michael because I like the name but we saw how that turned out." She started to cry again so I carefully tiptoed my way through the women and curled up next to her in the corner.
-------3 months later-------
Life had only gotten worse over the past months. A few more women were brought in, they were shoved in through the same part of the bars that the food was. I learned many more names, Farrah was the older woman who helped Marie deliver her babies, the silent pregnant woman that always looked out the window was named Naomi, it was the only word she had said to me, Carrie was a young woman who had been there for almost a whole year and the only thing that got here through it was that she could sense her mate was somewhere in the pack that held us.
My stomach had only been growing bigger, so much so that I could no longer fit through the bars and Melody was guarding full time, we had also discovered that Marianna was pregnant. She didn't even know until we all noticed that she had been gaining instead of losing weight and the baby kicked her.
Farrah said I would probably have mine within a month and that Marianna still had quite a ways to go.
"Show time ladies!" Tony boomed as he stood in front of the cell and clapped his hands, he had a tendency of doing that.
The bars to the cell disappeared and roughly 10 men were there to keep us in line. The were disgusting and rough, grabbing women's butts or breasts and making appreciative noises.
We all stood strong and silent as we kept our mind on the plan. Wait until we were all above ground, shift and take down as many as we could while a special team came downstairs to help the special individuals in the other cell, we had also given Baby Bruce to the woman I had spoken to who I now know to be called Kara.
The sunlight hurt our eyes as we were led out of a trap door in the middle of a field and onto a big wooden platform. There were cheers and whistles from the crowd as our eyes adjusted and we were turned forward.
The main crowd was comprised entirely of males. They all looked less than honorable and the looks in their eyes scared most of the girls. Around the edge were men that looked just as mean but they had something extra. They had women with collars around their necks with chains attached that they held. The women all looked like they had given up hope and they all gave us forlorn looks.
A few of the women weren't collared and they hung onto the men. They were either their true mates or had bad cases of Stockholm syndrome.
I searched the crowd for the faces of the men we knew to be good. I saw Chad near the front, keeping his eyes carefully on Angie. There was also an older man who we had met that had known the joys of having his true mate before she died of natural causes. There were also a pair of gay men who had to keep their sexuality a secret because they would be killed if they were found out. And the final person was a little boy, he had been born from the rap of a woman previously in our position and his mother had filled his head full of the truth that his father tried to hide from him. He came down every Wednesday after he got home from school and liked to have us tell him stories of our lives before the cell.
"Good afternoon gentlemen!!! Look at the lot we got this time!" Tony took on a game show host persona as he gestured his hand down the line of us. I noticed the girls that had been here the longest were at the front and the newest ones at the end.
Tony made careful eye contact with me and winked before he went back to addressing his pack. "Let's get started, shall we?"

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