"Yeah, it's a few minutes away from here. We'll go there first, and then we could go back home." Sarah said, taking the next exit. I felt like the blood in my veins was turning into ice because I couldn't stop shaking. I was sitting in the back seat, almost getting a seizure because I was so nervous to see the woman of my nightmares.

"We're here," Sarah said, parking the car in front of the huge rehab center.

"Ahh, I haven't seen your mother for quite a while now, I missed her a lot," My dad smiled at me, I couldn't even look at him. For the first time in forever I felt this scared. As dad led the way to her, I couldn't help but feel twitchy.

We stopped in front of a door, which a nurse in a sky blue coat opened. "Which patient are you here for?" She asked, a clip board in her hands.

"Lisa McGuire,"I cringed at the mention of her name.

"Follow me," The nurse said, walking us through a number of other doors. I stayed behind my dad and Sarah, I wanted to stand as far away.

"Here she is, just in case I will tell you, she is an extreme case so don't mention anything that can aggravate or irritate her, her mental state has gotten much worse in the past months, so just take it easy in there." The nurse said before opening the door. I froze in my spot, my body turning cold and blue. She got even more hideous and wrinkled from before.

"Ma'am?" The nurse said.

"Huh?" I croaked.

"You can go in now," She said, and I realized that my dad and Sarah were already in the room and I was standing on the doorstep.

"O-Oh, Sorry," I stuttered walking into the small room. She was sitting on the couch in the room, two nurses standing behind her.

"Hey Mom,"Sarah said to her, and she didn't respond, she stared at Sarah like she was some sort of animal.

"Hey beautiful," my dad said. Her gaze shifted to him and when it reached me, her eyes widened. I could feel chills running down my spine as her gaze stayed on me. I looked to the ground not being able to look at her, I felt like running out of the room but I couldn't because then that would just make things worse. I dared myself to look at her, and when I did I instantly regretted it. Her eyes were filled with shock, confusion and sadness. The awkward silence in the room just made the air even more thicker.

"Carla,"She breathed, She still remembered the nickname she gave me. I instantly looked up again to see tears in her eyes. Why was she crying? What did I do now? Is she going to beat me up like those long nights back in the years?

"Carla....You came?" She said so lightly that you could barely hear her. I shivered by the way she said my name, I haven't heard anyone call me that in years. I glued my eyes to the ground not wanting to look at anyone, especially the wrinkled woman.

I felt a cold pair of hands hold my face, I almost gasped when I saw that it was my mother. "Oh my god, you've grown up so much! I missed you, why didn't you come here to meet me? Carla?" She rushed, her teary eyes looked so innocent. However, never judge a book by it's cover, just because people look nice from the outside doesn't mean that they are normal in the brain. I stared at her in complete shock and confusion.

"Carly, your mother is talking to you,"My dad said, snapping me back to reality. I could feel my anger collected from all those years come raging back.

"Why are you acting like you actually care about me and love me?"I said in disgust, her facial features turning into baffled and displeased.

"What?" She croaked, I saw Sarah behind my mom glaring at me.

"Why are you acting like you actually missed me? Oh, I get it, you must've missed me because you didn't have a punching bag all this time and now it's standing right in front of you." I laughed bitterly.

"Carly, stop it," Sarah warned me, but I continued. I don't care, this fucking bitch had ruined my childhood, and people expect me to be nice to her. Ha, yeah right.

"Baby, it's not like that, you won't understand. It wasn't me who hurt you, it was the voices inside my head who told me to do that." She said. I knew that she was crazy, but I didn't know that she was this crazy.

"Don't call me baby, you have no right to call me that. You just think you can ruin people's lives and then expect them to accept you back in there lives. You have gotten that wrong because I will never ever let you come back into my life and ruin it again"I said, I felt kind of brave for standing up to her. I've dreamed of doing this for so many years, but I never thought it would be this way. I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek and I thought she had slapped me. But when I looked back up it was my father the one who smacked me. I stared at him in shock as he glared at me with pure acrimony in his eyes.

"How dare you talk to your mother like that?" He yelled. I could feel my tears coming to my eyes but I held them back.

"How dare she talk to me like that?" I said, and he slapped me one more time. This time I couldn't hold my tears anymore. I looked at Sarah and she looked at me with fear and panic. I stormed out of the room, through the many doors and out of the rehab. I ran and ran as long my feet took me.

I don't give a fuck anymore! I don't give a shit about anyone, because everyone thinks they can treat me however fucking way they want and in return I have to respect them. How dare dad hit me ? I cried until I couldn't stop coughing, my throat hurt from all the screaming and sobbing I did.


"What? Why shouldn't I go in there? Huh?" My mother muttered, I peeked my head from my room. She looked crazy, her was tangled and she wore the same pair of clothes for almost a week now. Mom was so weird, she was always having long conversation with herself. "Why are the pictures always looking at me? Oh my god, look away!" She continued, something was definitely wrong with her.

I walked towards the couch where she was sitting, again there was no one in the room, she was talking to herself again. "Mom? What's wrong?" I asked, so scared that there must be another presence around us.

"What? She's gonna hurt me?"She rambled on, but before I could've questioned her again she smacked me really hard across my face. She continued to kick and hit me, I cried for Sarah, but she never came. I took one of hard covered story books which was laying on the ground, I smacked it on her head as hard as I could. It didn't really make her pass out or anything, however the few seconds that she was caught off guard was good enough for me. I took the advantage and ran from her sight.


Author's Note:

Wah, hey! So I hope you liked this chapter! If your a little confused, your on the right track. Things are starting to get very serious now!


Luv yah,


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