Chapter 20

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Thank you kits for giving me 1.6k I'm so happy that I'm really crying right now thank you. 😭😭

Izuku, Mei and Shinso as training with Aizawa at night time working on hiding in the shadows trying to get caught with their hero suit. Aizawa helped them with their hero suit and gave them tips about how to improve their hero suit so they are not seen if they are trying to hide from villains. Izuku, Mei and Shinso were working on different weapons and using the scarf to help them get around. They keep working on their working out while Eri and Eda are training with Midnight and Present Mic with learning subjects.

The whole gang kept working until Aizawa got a call before sunset saying that they needed to head to Hosu town where the hero killer is. "Alright we are heading to Hosu at night time so go explore while I get some things ready" Aizawa said Izuku, Mei, Shinso, Eri and Eda nodded getting on Drake, Peacock, Moondust, Midsky, and Cynthia flying off past UA forest and the hid out going towards a different forest that they haven't seen yet and explore.

They kept flying until they saw fire on the trees. The gang stopped where they were looking at the fire all over the forest to see different dragons. "Alright gang we can't leave them like this so get as many dragons as you can before heading back now let's go" Izuku said diving in the fire with the rest of the gang getting dragons and saving them from the fire. The gang kept flying through the fire getting 2 dragons or maybe three.

They got all the dragons "Alright Gang let's head back" Mei said the gang nodded going back to Ua. They started to fly super fast before Aizawa called them. They made it to their hideout checking out the new cave system they have. The gang saw that it was a bigger cave inside then normal they saw that they had a fishing station, a big water source and a home for the gang, a medical side with everything they needed for them and dragons, and a nest for dragons big, medium and small ones. The gang smiled and gave the Gronckles some rocks since they like it.

The gang went to the medical side putting the dragons down then getting the stuff to heal the burns and scratches. "Cynthia go and get the rest of our dragons and tell them to come here and lead them here please" Izuku said Cynthia did a little screech before flying off to Ua getting their dragons. "Don't forget we have to name the others since they are with us for now on" Shinso said the gang nodded and worked on healing the baby dragons.

Cynthia came back after the gang healed the baby dragons then put them in the small nest next to their home. The gang let the dragon in their home while they explore everything. Mei got a phone call and saw that it was Aizawa and answered it.

Mei: Hey Dadizawa you need something?

Aizawa: It's time to head to Hosu. Come on, we can fly on your dragons.

Mei: Alright we can brings some to help us out

Aizawa: Alright see you at UA.

Mei hung up the phone and looked at the gang. "Alright Izuku, and Shinso grab some dragons because we are flying to Hosu and need help tracking him down" Mei said Izuku and Shinso nodded, going to get some of their dragons. "Eda and Eri stay here" Izuku said, getting on Thunder while Mei and Shinso get on Sparks and Lighting then leaving with some of their dragons. Eda and Eri nodded, going to their dragons before Mei, Shinso and Izuku left with some of their dragons.

They flew out of their hideout heading to UA picking up Aizawa then headed to Hosu. It was night time when they made it to Hosu they kept flying until a Nomu came out of nowhere destroying the city where people are running away from the fight and fire while Pro hero's are fighting the Nomu's. Izuku, Mei, Shinso and Aizawa hover above the fight "I want you to find Stain while I help them" Aizawa said, pulling the Whiteout harness.

Mei, Shinso and Izuku looked at each other before flying towards the city trying to find a stain. They kept flying until they heard a sword bling in the distance. They went to check it out to see it was Stain, Iida and another hero down. Izuku, Mei and Shinso got off of Lighting, Thunder, and Sparks before going down jumping in front of Stain, and Iida. The three were shocked to see Shinso, Mei and Izuku there. "Now more fake hero's are here!" Stain said running towards them but was caught off by staying still not moving at all.

Stain moved his eyes to see Ghidorah, Icewind, and Tails behind them ready to fight him and tear him up. "I wouldn't do that for you one step close to us, you will die and trust me that won't do it" Shinso said, making everyone look towards him except Izuku and Mei. "What do you mean they will kill me?" Stain asked "He means by poison" Izuku said making everyone expect Shinso and Mei shock. "That's not hero like!?" Iida said standing up Mei, Shinso gave Iida a death stare.

"And we don't care because Stain is trying to get rid of fake heros" Shinso said, looking back at Stain. "But he is not wrong tho" Mei said shocking Stain and Iida "He wants to keep real heroes in the world" Izuku said walking closer to Stain when the other Pro hero's get here and Aizawa who saw what's going on then tell the other Pro hero's to listen. Izuku was in front of Stain, "But what he did was wrong , like All Might and Endeavor," Izuku said, walking around Stain.

"What do you mean like All Might!?" Stain yelled trying to move closer to him. "Let's say before I became the leader of "The Forbidden Rider" I asked All Might if I could be a hero without a quirk. What do you think he said?" Izuku asked "Are you kidding me it's not going to happen because Quirkless people re useless for people who have a quirk!?" Iida shouted but stopped when Icewind made him freeze where he was.

"You are right about what he did say to me but he told me No and be better like be a police, Firefighter or Nurse A FUCKING NURSE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!? I almost die that day because I was bullied by people who use quirks on me" Izuku shouted taking off his shirt everyone saw a lot of scars on him "But it's not me but my gang also who is right behind me" Izuku said when Mei and Shinso showed there scars they had.

Everyone had to look away from Shinso, Mei and Izuku "Life is not right and killing isn't ether" Izuku said walking away from Stain then whistled. Everyone was confused except Izuku, Mei and Shinso but nothing happened until Drago picked up Stain in the air, making everyone shocked. "Dadzawa came out with the other heroes," Shinso said, looking at Dragon fly with Stain in his claws not hurting him. Aizawa and the other Pro heroes came out looking at Izuku, Mei and Shinso.

"Good job kids" Aizawa said Izuku, Mei and Shinso nodded Izuku whistle again making all there dragons fly in the air "Alr-" One of the heroes was caught off when 2 Nomu came over to them and grabbed Izuku, Shinso and Mei making everyone scared and shocked "Lighting, Thunder, sparks, Cynthia and Willow Kill the Nomu now!!" Aizawa shouted at Iris, flying towards Nomu's.

Cynthia collects the lighting in the sky, shooting it towards one of Nomu's heads, letting go of Izuku, making him fall towards the ground. The Pro heroes were in a panic until Haku came and got him flying towards Shinso and Mei. Sparks and Lighting shot a plasma blast on the last Nomu letting it drop Shinso and Mei who Lighting and Sparks caught them flying to the ground. Endeavor came to where they were and saw that the dragons kidnapped them.

"I got them" endeavor said about to use his Fire burn on Izuku, Mei, Shinso and Aizawa until Shoto came in front of his dad saying not to hurt them, it was his classmate and their quirks. Endeavor was shocked and took his fire quirk away. The police and ambulance came to check Native and Iida but not Izuku, Shinso and Mei since they were fine and won't let anyone touch them but Aizawa.

The police took Stain away. Aizawa was telling what happened since he saw what happened but when it was Izuku, Mei and Shinso turned their dragons came in front of them growling or making a shot in front of their feet making the police stay back. "Alright Gang, let's head back to UA" Aizawa said, getting on Whiteout Izuku on Cynthia, Shinso on Falcor and Mei on Aku. Izuku, Shinso and Mei put up the other dragons before taking to the sky and left the other Pro hero's, Iida, police, and ambulance there.

They made it back to UA around 2 in the morning. Whiteout dropped off Aizawa to UA teachers dorm then headed to the hideout cave system. Izuku, Mei and Shinso saw that the baby dragons are still sleeping, making them worried but trying not to get through that. They let their dragon out before going to their homes, cleaning up, eating and going to bed knowing that something is going to happen tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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