Just The Girlfriend

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I wasn't the biggest fan of football.

I just didn't understand it, but I respected that there must have been something wonderful about it to have such a following.

But I did happen to be a fan of one of the players. And the game happened to be the semi finals of the interschool tournament for the year. It was for this reason that I was spending my Saturday evening sitting in the third row on the sidelines looking better than I probably would on my wedding day.

"Who are you here for?" The girl beside me spoke to me during half time. It took me a few minutes to realise that somebody was talking to me. I looked up from my phone. I recognised her. Her name was Janel Evans, she was in a lot of the same classes as me but was far too charismatic to be my friend.

I would have labeled Janel as the type of girl that wouldn't talk to anyone beneath her. But I was pleased to have somebody to talk to. "Just here to support the school." I shrugged not wanting to draw too much attention to myself. "How about you?"

"I'm friends with a lot of the guys on Aquinas the team." She flipped her hair slightly as she said it. "But I came a bit late so I couldn't sit with the rest of my friends." She sounded a little bit agitated. "So you go to Selwyn?"

"No I go to Aquinas with you." I laughed. It seemed so strange that she didn't recognize me. I considered Janel a significant part of my day. The way her and Oliver Wood sat at the back of Biology nudging each other and snickering, the way she was always late to Accounting with Penny Hall and Antonia Trevino. It made me almost sad. I gave her the benefit of the doubt due to the fact that I looked substantially different when I put a bit of effort into my appearance, unlike Janel who looked like a Duchess everyday. And on top of that I was wearing oversized sunglasses that made me look like a Mafia housewife.

"I'm surprised I've never seen you around before." She noted. The facts were that she actually had seen me at school before, possibly every day but I'd just been on ugly girl autofilter until today when she noticed me for the first time.

But I decided not to press the issue. The situation was pretty interesting the way it was. Besides I had no desire to establish a long term relationship with Janel Evans.

It was quiet for a moment and I looked back over to the field. Both teams were still huddled in a intense circle.The temperature was nice even though it was getting late in the evening, we were on the home straight to summertime.

"Are you Lebanese?" Janel asked, she was still trying to make sense of why she didn't know me.

"Something like that." I couldn't resent her for her ignorance. The sound of a whistle blowing was heard and the players jogged back onto the field into their choreographed positions, which would no doubt be disrupted several seconds into the game.

"They need to get back." Janel said to herself.

"Do you know a lot about football?" I asked as I could definitely do with a little commentary.

"Well yeah." Janel said.

I bit my lip. "What do you think of number ten?" I asked innocently.

"Who? Sam Galambos?" Her jaw dropped.

"Yeah." I said a little too confidently. "I guess so." I added on for good measure."

"Sam Galambos?" Janel repeated again. "Have you seen him?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Why?" I wanted her to go on.

"He's a Sex God." Janel said before adjusting her tone. "But yeah he's like a really good friend of mine. He's a really great guy." I couldn't help but laugh. She didn't seem to notice though. "But he has a girlfriend." Suddenly her animated tone turned severe.

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