Chapter 7 - Hangovers

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It was nearly midday when Shannon woke up the next day, her head was pounding and she was really thirsty. She dragged herself out of bed and stumbled out into the hallway wondering who else was around. Judging by the silence in the house, she guessed everyone else was still in bed and feeling even worse than her so she headed outside after making a cup of tea in the biggest mug she could find. The sky was a grey colour with quite a few clouds and there was a chilly breeze blowing through the garden but still better weather than they would have got in England so Shannon was more than happy to sit outside.

She heard someone moving around the kitchen and using the juicing machine, she looked up as Jason appeared in the doorway.

"Morning sunshine" sang Jason with a smile

"Urgh, how are you so bright and alert this morning?  Didn't you start on the shots at one point last night" asked Shannon pulling her face "How the hell are you not in a coma?"

Jason laughed and poured a very disgusting looking mixture from the juicing machine into a glass

"Secret hangover cure recipe, want some?" Said Jason with a wink

"Errrm, you know what, yeah I'll try anything mate coz I am not spending all day hungover!" replied Shannon bravely

As Jason whizzed more of the mixture in the juicer, Shannon grabbed a tall glass from the cupboard and handed it over.

"Don't smell it and don't hesitate, just down it in one" advised Jason

Shannon downed the disgusting drink and tried not to throw it straight back up as Jason laughed.

"Urgh, Jase that was horrible" complained Shannon shaking her head.

"Trust me, you will feel better in less than 5 minutes" promised Jason "Now shall I make us both a bacon butty?"

Shannon was surprised at just how much better she felt within literally a few minutes and she started getting some bread ready for her and Jason and started brewing the coffee pot.

They took their breakfast and coffee outside and chatted about the night before.

"Crackin night last night wasn't it" said Jason stretching his arms up in the air.

"Yeah, we drank too much though, I hope we didn't show ourselves up" replied Shannon "We don't wanna be known as the rowdy drunk English group!"

"Well your lovely lifeguard pals seemed to like us so we can't have been that annoying" laughed Jason

"They drank even more than we did, someone told me once that if you drink with Australians, never try to keep up" Shannon laughed in reply.

"That tall quiet one seemed quite taken with you chuck" grinned Jason

"Who, Kailan? Nah you were seeing things I think" frowned Shannon shaking her head

"I'm telling you, he couldn't take his eyes off you last night, is he just shy or did he speak to you at any point?" asked Jason leaning back in his chair and resting his feet on another.

"Well he said I looked beautiful when they first got there but then I didn't get much chance to talk to him after that. I think he was just being nice" replied Shannon

"Well I think you are well in there so please be brave and go for it, you deserve a nice, good looking bloke to look after you. I have always said to Ryan that I really don't know why you are single and you deserve so much better than Tim anyway" said Jason with his serious face.

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