Who are you

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Do you ever feel like you don't belong in any group or community ?

As a result, you're only wandering around in futile hopes that maybe one day you'll find a place where you're at ease ?

In a world where billions of people are living and breathing the same air we're provided, I'm only one and single individual who doesn't matter.

I always wonder, if when we're outside and we face bunch of ants running around and dare to kill one of them, would the other ants acknowledge  it's death and cry over the ant's body for months ? Or will their lives continue it's path like nothing happened ?

I made you fixated on the death of the ant, but did you get a thought about the part where we're outside ? That even when it's not our territory, us humans always seek a way to destroy the poor ecosystem ?

We always interfere the nature's development in a way or another, because that's our nature.
We destroy it when it's about the other specimens, we destroy it when it's about us.

This complicated ego of ours just want to be at the top of everything and will do anything to satisfy it's needs.

The need to be perceived, to be talked to, to be praised and to be put in a high pedestal where we can't even see the others because we're full of ourselves.

So do you want to wander around and find a group or community, or do you want to be found by a community or a group while wandering around ?

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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