Chapter 6: Twilight Troubles

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Chapter 6: Twilight Troubles


Flint's cough sounded dry as he went to grab a glass of water, taking a tentative sip.

"Ugh. Thank goodness I'm almost over this." Flint groaned.

After the duel with Amity, Flint had been taken to get healed. The healer did what they could, but they couldn't fully address the burns in his mouth. Thankfully, they were at least able to get it enough so the burns could heal on their own. Sadly, this meant that for the past few days after, he'd had a terrible dry cough and his sense of taste was a bit impaired for a bit. He couldn't even talk for the first day after.

Luckily for him, his recovery was actually exceeding the estimated time they'd given him and working faster, so hurrah! He wouldn't have to deal with this for much longer, seeing as the burns had already gone away and all he was left with now was the cough.

Flint looked back down at his jacket and frowned a bit at seeing the singed cuffs. This was his favorite jacket and he hated to have it get messed up, but he'd be lying if he didn't think the new detail made the jacket look cooler. The others had voiced their opinions on it too, with Eda saying it made him look badass.

Speaking of Eda...

"Watch closely, you two. Hexes Hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play." Eda said.

They were all in the living room, where Eda and Owlbert were playing a card game called 'Hexes Hold'em' with the others watching. Flint was honestly a bit bored, but seeing Owlbert wearing a green visor was worth it.

"Oh boy, cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!" Luz said excitedly.

"And college students being prayed on for their bad spending habits or fledgling gambling addictions." Flint chimed in, grabbing a nearby pack of UNO cards and tossing it a few times. "I'd rather settle for a game of UNO personally." Flint voiced his opinion.

Eda puts a card down on the table causing lightning to come from the cards, sending Owlbert flying for cover behind the side of the table. The cards all stand and roar. Owlbert smirks as his cards surge forward and attack Eda's.

"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wildcard," Eda said, holding up a card with a tower on it. It glows green, and Owlbert's cards disappear in a flash of fire. Fiery letters spelling out 'WINNER: EDA' appear and disappear over the table. Owlbert hops back on and hoots at Eda, bowing in acceptance of his defeat.

"Woo, I win! In your adorable owl face." Eda said getting into his face as feathers started to sprout from her arms. "Ah, I love the feeling of victory. It feels...fluffy?" Eda said confused, not noticing the change.

"Uh, Eda? It's happening again!" Luz said with a tinge of fear.

"What's happening again?" Eda questioned.

"Are you dense? Look at your arms!" Flint yelled in exasperation, causing Eda to look at herself and yelp.

"Your curse is back!" King said.

The group ran upstairs to Eda's chest of elixir in her room, only to find they were all empty.

"Oh boy. This is bad. I'm out of elixir." Eda remarked.

"Welp, guess we need to head to the market," Flint said.

"Market!" Luz said excitedly as she raised her hands in the air.

"I'm stealing everything that's not nailed down!" King exclaimed in a similar fashion, walking away with Luz.

"And I'm gonna have to make sure you can get away then." Flint resigned himself as he followed. Why did everyone in this house have to be so chaotic? And no, he wasn't being a hypocrite. He knew very well how chaotic he could be when he felt like it.

PrometheusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora