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I paced up and down the guest room, waiting for Vincent's mother to go to sleep. I wasn't going to sit around and wait patiently for things to fall into place, I need to make things happen if I want to see a change.

As soon as I saw her close her chamber door, I grabbed a torch sitting on the table opened my door, and snuck into Vincent's room. I went through the bastard's belongings, from his cupboard to his drawers. I was about to give up hope until I saw the edge of a piece of paper sticking out from under the mattress.

I lifted the mattress and saw that it wasn't just one paper, but multiple... Actually, they were white envelopes containing letters. I brought them out from under the mattress, sat on the bed, and started going through each of the letters.

Well, what do you know?! These are from Hannah confessing her love to Vincent. Some of the wordings were more explicit as they talked about being intimate with each other, and how they were going to get rid of their obstacle, me.

Good, very good.

I heard a sound from the door and I quickly hid all of the letters in my dress. Vincent's footsteps resounded from downstairs as he made his way to his bedroom.

He opened the door and came inside his room,,, he turned on the light, but he froze when he saw me standing beside the bed waiting for him. Shock quite evident on his face as his mind raced through time and possibly, through all the lies he could come up with.

I feigned innocence and spoke in a sweet and gentle voice. "Good evening, Vincent, I missed you at the King's banquet." I could hear my inner voice laughing hysterically.

He was lost for words, this came out through a series of pitiful stutters. "I-I had business to attend to, so I had to-had to go."

I take a step closer to him and I could have sworn that I saw him flinch backwards. He stood upright and cleared his throat, "I heard what happened today, I am so sorry about that, my love"

I looked down, again, feigning sadness. "I do not understand why I am so unlucky."

He came forward and held me in his arms. "Don't say that, my love. You are very lucky, do you know why?"

I looked into his eyes; into his lying and cheating green eyes. "Why?"

His lips curled into a small smile as he placed his finger underneath my chin. "Because you have me."

Amazing, what a way to turn my pain into an ego boost for you, Vince. "Hmm," I nodded, swallowing the disgust I felt in my stomach. The scent of Hannah's favorite perfume tainted him and I could not help but remember the day I caught them together.

Being mated to Vince was the greatest happiness of my past life, he was the perfect man, both in appearance and in character, or at least, that is what he tries to make people believe. Only a few people know his true colors, sadly, I am now one of those people, but it took me forever to get it through my thick skull.

I pulled away from him as Hannah's stench was unbearable for me. "I will be going to my room now, have a good night's sleep." I brushed past him to get to the door but he held my arm.

"Come sleep with me tonight, I know what you need, my love. I will make you happy, and tomorrow we can go plead with your father".

I felt my blood boil. "Did you just say I should beg my father?"

He seemed taken aback by my sudden reaction but answered nonetheless. "Yes, it is right for you to reunite with your family. It is the only way to make our union honorable."

I pulled my arm out of his hold. "You care more about honor than about me, don't you Vince? Everything I went through doesn't matter to you."

He had a confused expression, which was replaced by one of conviction. "Your father was only thinking about your well-being, but the way you spoke to him today wasn't-" He paused when he realized what he just did.

I bobbed my head to the side with a smirk on my face, "I thought you said you had business to do today, how did you know what happened?"

"Well, news travels fast." He spoke defensively.

My smirk never left my face as I responded. "I never knew you had taken an interest in listening to gossip and small talk. For someone very busy, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands to listen to gossip."

He came close to me again, this time, invading my nostrils with more of Hannah's filthy scent. He had a condemning look in his eyes as he stared at me... now we're heading somewhere.

"What happened to you, Mel, you have changed. This isn't the Mel I fell in love with, the Mel I loved is a nice girl, the Mel I loved would never speak to her father like that. This is not my Mel."

I felt a rumble in my chest, slowly that rumble erupted out of my mouth as a chuckle, and before I knew it, I was full-blown laughing in his face. "Loved?"

"Yes, 'Loved'" He returned. "Until you apologize to your father and regain your honor."

"Just as you used a past tense to describe your feelings for me, so you should know that the Melissa you described is also past tense." I turned around and left his room. Heck, I left the house, the cold be damned, fear be damned. I did today what I should have done a long time ago, I freed myself from his clutches. Maybe, now I can be free, maybe this is the turning point for my fate...

Oh, how I was so wrong!

I froze in my tracks when I saw my father standing at the gate of Vincent's family mansion, behind him were about five men with torches in their hands respectively. I must admit that under the moonlight, they looked like an angry mob. My father seemed to have been the only one who came on horseback because there was a horse beside him. I looked down at his hand and saw a dagger.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the man in front of me.

Before he could speak, I heard Vincent's voice behind me. "My mother told your father that you were staying here, he is here to take you home."

I returned my attention to my father. "In case your memory fails you, Philip, you disowned me because I have no wolf."

"That is fine," he asserted, "The witch doctor will offer sacrifices to the moon goddess to give you a wolf."

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