Take A Run

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Sinceeee I already made one based on Take A Rest, why not make one of the parody version?

Note that this one may not take itself as seriously as Take A Rest did!

Quiet crickets could be heard in the dead of night, as the cat laid as comfortable as he could on a tree branch. Normally, he'd prefer to sleep in the comfort of his own bed, but he knew that a certain dog would find with ease if he did.

He had heard stories from the others, about how they tried to escape the dog in hopes of getting the rest they desperately desired.

Bobby tried pleading with Dogday, hoping that she could get throught to him. No matter what she said, the dog would insist that he knew better, forcing her to stay awake regardless of her plea.

Kickin tried playing a game with the dog in the middle of the night, hoping that it'd serve as 'proof' of him staying awake.

Afterwards, once the dog left, he tried to go to sleep. And he did...almost.

He only got about half an hour of sleep, before the dog made the odd choice to check his house, of course catching the chicken sleeping, only to jolt him awake with his 'Morning Breath' once again.

Bubba tried creating a bunker of sorts to hide and lock himself in. He thought that it would work, since the canine would have no way of getting through.

However, he found himself awakened by his 'Morning Breath', only to find that the dog managed to not only dig his way through the bunker, but also managed to damage the bunker beyond repair.

He thought it was a miracle that the bunker didn't collapse on itself.

Picky tried baking a 'special' meal that could force Dogday to fall asleep. In fact, she even made a HUGE, tasty batch of it.

And to her relief, the canine liked it enough to eat every single bit of it, only leaving a few crumbs behind. In fact, he loved it if anything.

However...it had no effect on the canine. In fact, he only seemed more enthusiastic about keeping her awake, begging for some cookies as well.

Hoppy tried hopping up as high as she possibly could, managing to reach the top of her house. Honestly, it was a miracle that she even managed to with how sluggish she was in the day, beyond exhausted from staying awake all night.

Still, she only found that the dog easily found a way up to her house, waking her up with his 'Morning Breath'.

Craftycorn wasn't sure what to do herself. She tried to help come up with all sorts of ideas with the other critters, in secret meetings they'd have with each other.

Said meetings excluded Dogday, of course, due to their friend's excessive enthusiasm for playing.

However, Crafty reached a point of exhaustion so great that she couldn't come up with ideas anymore. In fact, she couldn't even draw a stick figure. Whenever she did, it'd end up as scribbles or a bunch of disorganized lines.

And that leaves Catnap. With his long tail, he has tried all sorts of things.

Hanging off of trees, hiding in a box, sleeping on a star, even.

The Light And The Darkness [Catnap x Dogday]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora