Bath Time

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This is based off "Catnap's Day Off" by INUbis!

"Come on kitty!!"

The canine hummed, only to earn a small hiss from the purple cat in response. The sound of water hitting the surface of the tub rang continuously in the room, water slowly filling the tub up overtime.

A few 'clouds' could be seen emitting from the water, demonstrating the clear amount of heat it possesed. It would seem perfect for any of the critters...however the Catnap wasn't particularly enthusiastic about it himself.

He went on all fours, hissing at Dogday as his tail stood up, taking on a defensive stance. The canine was unphased however, daring to approach the other.

"Come onn! It's just a bath! It's not like it'd gonna hurt ya or anything!"

Still, he refused to let up. Dogday took action, walking a bit closer until he kneeled down. He slowly reached his hands out, ignoring the cat's hissing as he gently picked him up.

The cat struggled a little in his grasp, attempting to escape, but to no avail. The dog brought him to the tub, humming as he placed him inside.

He took out a few shampoo products of his, ones that he had specifically for Catnap, in addition to some other tools such as a brush.

He opened a bottle of lavender scented shampoo, pouring it onto his hands before gently rubbing it all over the cat's body. Onto his head, his neck, his back, among other areas.

Catnap groaned, reluctantly going with the dog's routine with an expression that made his discontent quite clear. Regardless, he continued, finishing up with the shampoo before picking up the brush.

With the brush in hand, he began to brush the cat's fur with it, mainly his back, front, and his head. His tail wagged joyfully, showing how much the dog loved bathing his favorite little kitty.

Even if Catnap didn't seem to enjoy it as much as he did, he needed one. That, and he had to admit that he looks so darn cute, even when he's all grumpy!

After some slow, soothing [although the cat would never admit it] brushing, Dogday used the water to rinse off the shampoo, making sure to get every spot he possibly could.

He occasionally asked the cat to reposition himself a little, which Catnap of course did, although he let out a small groan each time he did.

Finally, they were finished. Dogday shut the water off, the sound of the water in the tub finally stopping. The bathroom felt oddly silent without it, as the two had grown a small bit accustomed to the sound during the short bath.

The cat sat down, in a cat-like position of course, waiting for Dogday to finish up. The canine took out a blow dryer, using it to help dry the cat's fur off quickly, especially as he knew that the cat hated baths.

While the blow dryer did help dry the feline off quickly, his fur puffed out as a result. He let out a small groan of annoyance in response, while the dog let out a joyful giggle at the sight.

He gently lifted the cat up, who just let out a quiet hiss, a small blush present on his face.

"Awwww who's a good little kittyyyyy?"

The canine hummed, speaking to the cat as if he were a precious child or something. He slowly leaned in closer, hoping to get a kiss from the kitty.

The cat groaned, using his paw to push the dog's face away, although the dog continued to push against it.

Still, Dogday remained insistent, continuing to push his face against the cat's paw, beginning to overcome it.

Catnap drew his claws out as a threat, although the canine remained unphased by it.

"Come on Catnap! Just a little kiss? Pleasseee? I promise I won't lick you this time haha! Take it as an apology for the bath!"

The feline would've crossed his arms if he could, though he couldn't as the dog's hands were under his arms.

He looked away from the dog, not letting a groan or hiss out to show that he wasn't against the idea.

Dogday's tail sped up a little as the cat took his paw off his face, finally allowing him to lean in, and give the kitty a small smooch on the cheek.

His smile grew, beaming across his face afterwards.

"There ya go Catnap! See? No licking this time, haha!"

The cat faced away from the dog for a moment, keeping a cold, stern face. Still, Dogday's smile didn't fade. He did feel a little guilty, though.

He let out a soft chuckle.

"Sorry Catnap, I know you don't like baths, but they're necessary! Bubba told me all about them. If you want, I could leave you al–"

Suddenly, the feline whipped his head around, softly planting a gentle kiss on the canine's mouth, holding it for a bit.


The canine yelled out in shock, although most of the noise was of course muffled due to the kiss the two held. His tail wagged furiously out of joy, as the cat slowly pulled away.

"It's fine, Dogday. But can't you at least warn me about it or something?"

Dogday let out a soft giggle, letting the feline down as he stood on his two feet this time. A small blush was present on his face for a moment.

"Oh right! I could...try telling you a day or two beforehand! How does that sound?"

Catnap smiled, staring into the dog's eyes, the canine doing the same to him.

"That sounds perf–"

A sudden, loud yawn escaped the cat, a small stretch from him accompanied it as well, his tail flicking around a bit.

Dogday gasped, before letting out a small giggle, opening the bathroom door.

"Looks like you could use a nap! Let's get some rest, shall we?"

It was night anyways, and Dogday didn't have any overnight plans with the others either.

Besides, even if he did have any, he'd be willing to delay them a bit, just for Catnap.

The canine held his hand out, which the cat took, rubbing his eyes with his other free hand. His eyes were now half open, although his smile remained.

"Sounds good to me."

The sleepy feline responded quietly alongside a soft purr.

The two then made their way to Dogday's bed, in order to get some rest for the night.

The Light And The Darkness [Catnap x Dogday]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora