I could hear his excitement through the phone.

"What happened?"

"She didn't feel it I guess? So we are official broken up!"

I smiled so big.

"That is awesome! Lucky charm you is single!!"

"Not really, we are dating!"

My heart dropped. Niall and I are dating? I mean he didn't really asked me out, but he said it??

"Trix? You there?"

"We're dating?"

"I know I haven't asked you officially or anything. I'm kind of waiting for that moment, but if you want we can just keep this between us, kind of?"

"Niall, I dont care!!"

"So is that a yes?"


"Yay! I really hate that I have to do this over the phone, but yay!!"

"I know me too! Yay!!"

"This is great. I want to go to L.A for the little vacation that we are having."

And my heart dropped again.

"I mean, if you can work something out then?"

Texting Niall Horan n.h (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now