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1 year later :-

" Why is she not answering the calls ? " Dokyeom asked as everyone were worried

" She Always does but today the whole day passed she didn't pick up the call did anything happen to her " hoshi said worriedly unknowingly making Scoups more worried as hell

" Did anything happen to her i hope so not " mingyu sighs

It's already 1 year and all the members got along with Y/n they see her as a good friend or more like a very close friend and trusted one

They always called or video called her almost everyday like long distance friendship and she used to call them too as it was long time difference but still they used to take break times and called her like daily routine

They had a very beautiful and passionate bond with her and her relationship with scoups was also good and maybe even more better

But they still kept it secret from the members they are afraid if anything wrong happens after they confessed or will hate her

But it's all good but not today they tried to call her but no response sometimes unreachable or switched off it made them worried as hell as they couldn't imagine any second without her

" Where the hell is she why is she not answering the call ? " scoups asked frustrated as he brushed his hair back

" She is definitely fine hyung don't worry maybe she is sleeping " dino said and looked at the others nodded

" But it's afternoon there and she is an early bird she don't sleep too long " Jun pulls out the point as the others agreed worriedly

" Okay don't worry now we need to sleep
too remember manager said tomorrow a special guest is going to come so we need to be early "  seungkwan said and tapped scoups shoulder as the others agreed

They went to their rooms and drifted to sleep but two persons who couldn't sleep in peace as  worried took over them but soon they drifted to sleep too

Next morning :-

Dokyeom's pov  :-

I was sleeping in peace.... but not until someone broke into my room I know who is it no one rather than hoshi he is my morning alarm

He never wakes me normally but always gets on top of me and irritates until I wake up

" Hmmm ummm dokyeom-ahh il-eona " hoshi said rubbing his head on my chest

" hmmm hmmm get off me " I said trying to push him away from me but instead he lie next to me

" Get up We have to go" he said and hugged me , sometimes he gets too clingy

" to where ?" I asked confused but still in sleepy tone

" did you forget about the special guest " he said and nodded I guess who is it coz we never had any special guest like this before 

I got up got freshen up and went to the dining where the manager ordered food and then the manager told us to get in the car we will go somewhere

Btw we released our new album and all , now we don't have anything to do so I guess we are going to shoot going seventeen

We reached a place it looks like an ancient history place and there is no camera man too and no other people too it looks like a resort type

" I thought we were here to shoot " dino said all of a sudden as the others agreed

 " LOST " --- [ Svt - Scoups FF ] Seventeen ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora