Prologue Wool's Orphanage & Hogwarts Letter

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Alexander was visiting Wool's Orphanage where the Dursley's had literally just abandoned Violet Dorea Potter he enters the orphanage and he says in a silky smooth voice I'm here to adopt a child Violet says hello my name is Freak and it takes all of his mind arts mastery not to snarl in rage at those filthy muggles that abandoned her in the muggle orphanage he kneels down to Violet Dorea Potter and he says young lady would you like to live with me and she says yes of course I will and Mrs Cole enters the room and she says why don't you adopt a "normal" child and not a "freakish" one he signs all of the paperwork then he points his wand at her and he says Obliviate! then he says to Violet let's go to our home now please grab my arm so we can go home he side along apparates to Peverell Castle with Violet Dorea Potter this is Peverell Castle it is under the Fidelius Charm

Alexander was visiting Wool's Orphanage where the Dursley's had literally just abandoned Violet Dorea Potter he enters the orphanage and he says in a silky smooth voice I'm here to adopt a child Violet says hello my name is Freak and it takes all ...

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Alexander says Peverell Castle is in Oxford Street in London England he introduces Violet to his personal house elf named Richard he's another OC that looks like Dobby

Alexander says Peverell Castle is in Oxford Street in London England he introduces Violet to his personal house elf named Richard he's another OC that looks like Dobby

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Alexander says Richard please bring Violet's belongings to the bedroom across from the master bedroom and make it in Slytherin colors this is Violet's bedroom

Alexander says Richard please bring Violet's belongings to the bedroom across from the master bedroom and make it in Slytherin colors this is Violet's bedroom

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This is the Peverell Library

This is the Peverell Library

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Peverell Ritual Room

The Library contains ancient and rare Necromancy spell tomes blood magic spell tomes dark curses dark hexes and dark jinxes Parsel Magic DADA Transfiguration Charms Potions Elemental Magic as well as Dark Rituals and you have to be keyed into the ...

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The Library contains ancient and rare Necromancy spell tomes blood magic spell tomes dark curses dark hexes and dark jinxes Parsel Magic DADA Transfiguration Charms Potions Elemental Magic as well as Dark Rituals and you have to be keyed into the wards of the library Alexander keys her into the wards under the condition that she stays away from the eighth level due to ancient cursed dark artifacts and incredibly dangerous cursed books but she can visit whenever she wants to any of the rest of the library he blood adopts her into both the Peverell and Slytherin families and names her the heiress to Peverell and Slytherin families and she's also the Heiress to the Potter and Black family fortunes and their bloodlines he then strips Lady Voldemort of the Slytherin Gaunt and Peverell family magics and he takes all of her entire magical knowledge skills and abilities as payment for killing Violet's parents and grandparents now they're getting ready when an owl appears and Violet's Hogwarts Letter it says dear Heireas Violet Iolanthe Potter Black Slytherin Peverell you are hearby enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry you will need 4 black robes one black pointed hat 7 pairs of black dress robes 7 pairs of dragon hide gloves and one cauldron pewter glass vials and 1 wand 1 Hogwarts course book set you are allowed a cat owl or toad Violet has a female baby Basilisk named Medusa and a male baby Nundu named Antonin a female snow owl named Hedwig and a male chupacabra named Antonio now tomorrow they will be going to Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley End of the Prologue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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