Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Perhaps this could be the start of something beautiful."The Romantic Writings of O.P.B.S.

"The only man I have to thank for this is God himself. No one else could have orchestrated such a match."
The Secret Journal of B.T.

"We are here to celebrate the union of two souls: Lord Benjamin Twombley, Earl of Gloucester; and Miss Olivia Penelope Bridgerton-Sharpe. A marriage is a sacred relationship held between a man and a woman and should not be taken lightly." The bishop continued to talk as Ben and Olivia focused only on one another. The ceremony was expected to last nearly forty-five minutes if all due process was followed.

It was. They followed the expected order of things. No secret meetings (that anyone knew about), no kissing (or going any further than that), and no turning to anyone else to satisfy primal urges (primarily focused on men, though can also apply to widows). They waited months to have this wedding and would not wait any longer to marry one another.

They would support one another through sickness and perfect health.

They would lift up each other in times they were rich and when they were poor.

They would never dare to look at another soul and allow their mind to wander.

Until death would they part.

"The bride and groom have written their own vows in conjunction with the ceremonial vows. If the groom would like to begin," the bishop prompted and Ben took the lead.

"A year ago, I did not know where my life would lead. I believed I had many years before a marriage was expected of me. I had graduated from Oxford and my friends and I planned to enjoy the world around us without having a single care.

"Alas, that was not the case. Without a father to provide, I was forced to become the head of the household far too young. Instead of freedom, I found myself in the middle of the marriage mart with no clue about what to do or who to look for. Instead of enjoying the world around me, I attended balls with stiff clothes and stiffer guests.

"Except when it came to my dear Olivia. She was a light in this world that I could not hold a candle to. Her joy was boundless and her innocence obvious. However, that only served to make her more special. In a world where diamonds sparkled everywhere, she was a sapphire, and that only drew me in faster.

"The first time we met, she pointed out that there was no reason why a woman should be reduced to such surface-level talents as painting and embroidery when a mind can reveal far more. I fell for her mind far before I admired her for anything else. Her wittiness in such a serious time proved to me that the world did not harden all good souls and hers is one of the most pure.

"Olivia, I am so happy to have you in my life and I will love you until my dying day."

Ben could not believe he said as much as he did. He had written out the words a hundred times and never once did they feel as right as they did when he let his heart go. Those words would never compare to anything he had written because it was when he let his heart speak rather than his mind.

Olivia, however, had not only written but memorised every word she wrote. Not a single one held a candle to what Benjamin had said.

"Now, the bride," the bishop prompted.

She took a shaky breath and began. "When my mama asked my sister and I if we wished to participate in the season last year, I took the chance to learn about the world she grew up in. I hoped I would find love, but I did not expect it, not when my mama took such a huge chance to get away from it.

"The only thing I wished for, if I were to marry, was to be in love. Before my first ball, I met Ben. I did not know I could find a friend in anyone, much less a titled gentleman. He teased me, then I found a shared view of the world not many possessed. We believed women could do more than painting or playing pianoforte. I looked forward to the first ball when before I did not.

"Everything about this world fell into place. I did not know it was love at the time, but it surely felt like more than any friendship I had as a child.

"As time continued, friendship blossomed into more and I soon learned what it meant to love. And I will never forget what it meant to fall in love with the most beautiful soul I have ever met." Olivia smiled so broadly she could hardly speak. "It is with a full heart that I say I could never have married someone else. My heart forever belongs to you."

The bishop told Ben to repeat after him, "With this ring I make a vow to love you through good times and bad for as long as we both shall live."

Then, he asked Olivia to do the same.

They slid the rings onto each other's fingers.

"You may kiss the bride," the bishop told Ben.

When he did, they felt their hearts explode with joy. Their heartbeats synced at a rapid pace. Their minds were blind to everything but the way their lips touched one another.

It was over in seconds, but it would continue for the rest of their lives. They were sure of it.

"Congratulations to the newly wed Lord and Lady Twombley!" the bishop announced to the crowd of family and well wishers. A chorus of applause ringed through the church as they walked to the front.

It did not take long for them to depart, though their minds were not on the reception but rather what would come after.

They were sure to have a beautiful marriage for the rest of their long lives.

"I promise to love you," Olivia said, "forever and ever."

"Forever and ever it shall be, my dear," Ben replied.

Their second kiss was far better than their first.

Author's Note: I know this chapter is super short, but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible for all of you who have been avidly reading this story. It's the last chapter!! Their story makes me so happy. On the note of Season 3, I know everyone agrees with me that Eloise deserves to be with Theo and doesn't belong with anyone else. Her character arc, well, it sucks. I'd do a lot of things over if I was the one writing the show (hence the reason I decided to write book 1). Anyways, vote and comment if you liked the book, the chapter, or agree with me about Eloise in the show. All the best, MistyRider921.

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