Chapter 5: Remember?

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I open my eyes, my body writhing in pain. I move my hands up to take off the headphones that were oh so violently put on my head yet nothing moves. I try looking around and all I see are like bodies. There have to be almost dozens of them. All floating on different y-axis around the place. My breathing becomes more labored but focusing on my breathing I actually am not. I breathe in yet nothing comes in. It feels as though I'm drowning at the bottom of the lake watching as I sink deeper into the water.

    I look up to begin my ascent and I see a bright white light. I do a double take on the floating potential corpses and see they are all looking up. They have all failed to make the ascent but that can't be me. I can't fail like they did. I mean come on I got ganged up on and fucking sneaked attacked! I need to get those pussys back!

    With all the might I can muster I use my phantom legs to push up in a breaststroke kick and move my phantom arms in the same motion. It feels like I am sick and every movement feels like pins shooting into my skin with every slight movement but I have to keep going!

    With every kick, and every pull the light shines brighter and brighter. I can feel the warmth radiating through my body as my breathe slowly begins to run out. I muster all of my strength into one final kick going into a streamline as it feels as though I'm in the apex of the light. I go to breathe in as I touch solid ground collapsing to my knees in desperation for the sweet air now surrounding me.

    As I am clutching my pearls I look around to see nothing but two objects to my left. A weird headset and one of those goo creatures wearing it. I get up and begin walking to it, every step I take creating a puddle beneath me.

    As I get close to the creature I examine its details. It looks strangely similar to the Nightcrawler. It has the markings of one yet has a lot more fluff. The tail is more akin to a dog and it wears a blue headset, the same color as its markings. I grab onto the headset, ripping it off and pushing the goo to the ground.

    The goo opens its blue eyes and looks around frantically "Why am I back here?!" It states frantically, eyes darting around. "Who are you! How do I get back to my body!" I scream, my fists instinctively balling up. The creature in response covers its ears and pulls into a fetal position. "I don't want to go to the Colorless world again!" He stands up and grabs me by my shirt collar "DON'T MAKE ME Go back" As he manages to get those sentences out he begins to melt into the fake floor. "I didn't get to live" he weeps out, sobbing hysterically as he fully melts, his color blending in with the void around us.

    Well...God damn...All that's left in this place is the headset. I go over to it and pick up the headset. It's freezing to the touch and instead of being an actual headset, looks like a big computer box with straps. There's literally nothing else here aside from the never ending dark abyss so, I put on the headset. A flash of bright light is all I see before I feel the world around me shift as my body gets heavier and heavier as the colors stop and it is as though I am lying in the ground unconscious.

    All I hear is ringing as I reopen my eyes. I see hard rock-like ground that is being slightly illuminated by a deep blue glow originating from my body. As the ringing subsides I start to hear a faint 'hey' that sounds quite frantic. "Zechariah are you okay?!" The mysterious voice asked. It sounds familiar but it isn't calling my name so I must be fine.

    Suddenly a wolf like figure bends down and begins rattling my body "If ANYONE sees you like this I'm screwed, please get up dude" I slowly begin to get up but as I put my hands to the ground to push myself up I see that I have fur...and my hands are paws...oddly like that wolf fellow that melted...OMG IM A FUCKING FURRY.

    I launch myself up knocking over the mysteriously glowing purple and half hazardously look over my GLOWING BLUE body. "Wooah dude are you okay?!!" I get a better look at the wolf and it's the fucking party shade purple bitch. "BACK OFF" I yell "tell me WHAT'S HAPPENING before I throw hands with you...paws with you!" "Zechariah calm down dude-" I zone him out to get a better look of the place. It seems to be as if I'm in the cave I first saw all the blackout goos at. That must mean one of these walls are fake. "-OOOH I get it! You want to be with Fi- no your master is that it buddy?" He questions. Oh not this shit again "NEVER say that again SLUT, now which wall is the exit" I say demanding to the party dog. "Why has your entire personality randomly changed Zech?" He says, seeming as that was just a thought he said out loud. "That is not my name? Why do you keep referring to me as that?"

    "That's the name you choose for yourself, remember?" He questions confusion rising more and more. "Hell no? My name is (Y/N)?" I look at him and I can physically see the gears in his head turning. He comes to a conclusion and I see excitement replace the other emotion. "You...You remember don't you?!" He exclaims quite loudly. "Uhhh,  Noooo who are you???" I say attempting to lie but doing so terribly. His tail begins to wag back and forth, picking up faster and faster. I have to think quickly. He might be the type to blabber. "So about that exit!" I say loudly as I attempt to ram myself into one of the walls. A loud thud reverberates throughout the cave as I land flat on my ass. The dog begins to laugh at me. He quickly stops before I am able to ready myself for the second wall looking a little worried.

    "Woah wait a minute if you get out then I get in trouble for it!" "Oh boohoo snowflake you're the one keeping me here.His ears droop as I ready and ram into one of the walls. This time however, phasing right through it. "Wait!" He cries out "If you remember your past life do you remember anything from after we got you? Well they got you?"

    "You're acting like this is new? Doesn't everyone remember their past?" I question. I mean it's not like it was a hard swim. "NO?!" He screams from behind the wall. I start walking to the door "What's even your plan anyway! To go up to the people that beat you up and say 'you're a meanie'?Wow the disrespect emanating from this guy. But like he is kinda right

    "Maybeeee. What would you suggest party dog?"He walks out from behind the wall looking a little offended. "It's Rei and I don't know, maybe not going out there!"

    "You have bad suggestions buddy.Maybe keeping him around will be valuable. If I am no longer human, which I choose to ignore until I'm ready, the once friendly creatures might attack me. Walking together might deter those offenders. "Maybe you'll make a better one as we walk to kick the shit out of NightCrawler!" I say with excitement. As I go to walk out the door, Rei follows close behind, protesting about the situation the door shuts in my face. "I thought there was a blackout?!" He says with worry.

    "Successfully initiated Emergency Power Grid"

    "Please stand by"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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