If You Ever Felt Rejected...(My Chemical Romance)

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Mikey Way- aged 13.

Dear Diary,

Sometimes I really can't stand my older brother Gerard. He's sixteen,so a whole three years older than me.

He's my inspiration. He got me into comic books, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, The Smashing Pumpkins and The Smiths. He watches Batman movies with me. He's an amazing artist, he draws me little silly sketches sometimes. He's a great singer, I hear him singing around the house a lot. All round, he's a great guy.

But I'm always in his shadow.

Last year he was diagnosed with depression, and since then our parents have been fussing over him constantly. When he doesn't want to leave his room they worry, when I don't they tell me to stop being a 'moody teenager'. If he gets in trouble they see it as a cry for help, if I get in trouble they tell me to 'smarten up my act'.

They don't seem to notice anything that happens to me. If I get good grades the don't care, if I get bad grades they yell and compare me to Gerard, even though I'm way smarter than him. They don't notice how I haven't eaten a proper meal in over a month, or how when they see me there's always a red rim around my eyes as if I've been crying.

They don't see the scars on my wrists, or the marks scattered across my legs.

They see Gerard's though.

Even my best friend, Frank, likes Gerard better. When he stays over he ends up talking to Gerard half the night.

Even my Grandma, Elena likes Gerard better. He's the grandkid that can draw, sing, write,paint...

Girls like him better too. When he was in middle school lots of girls in my grade had crushes on him. Even the girls I liked. But I don't get any attention from them. Probably because I wear glasses and I'm so awkward!

I pretend to be okay on the outside but deep inside me I know that I'm Not Okay...



A/N- hey guys, second story posted here! I'm still continuing with these even though My Chemical Romance have confirmed they are splitting up. Vote and comment, thanks :).

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