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I'm tidying things away in the Med Bay at the moment. It's been about two weeks since I've been here, in the Glade. The past week went by so fast. After that whole incident, the next couple of days afterwards were a little awkward with a few Gladers. But soon enough, everything went back to normal. Well, as normal as it gets being trapped in the centre of a maze.

"Greenie, I left my bag back in the blood house earlier. Mind grabbing it for me?" Clint asks, noticing I'm not doing anything too important. I still get called Greenie, despite everyone knowing my name. I think that must be just something the Gladers do with newbies. I wonder if the name will still stick when another Greenie comes up in the box?

I was about to head over to the gardens soon anyways, so I nodded my head and left to fetch Clint's bag. There isn't always much to do in the Med Bay if there's no one hurt. For this reason, I asked Nick a few days ago if I could help out somewhere else whenever I had some free time. Nick thought it was a good idea and suggested I ask around for anyone that might need help.

I approached Gally first, as I still felt like I owed him for him helping me that night. He barely considered my offer and almost immediately turned me down. He insisted someone else would have more need of me. I didn't bother going to Minho. I figured since he's a runner, there'd be nothing I could help him with. That's when I landed on Newt. I don't think I even finished asking him when he accepted and promptly tasked me with a job. He also requested I always come find him in the gardens when I have the spare time. He says they need as many hands as they can get in the gardens, as it often gets busy. So that's where I'll be off to next.

I reach the blood house and stop outside. I stand and wait for a Slicer to come outside as I don't even want to attempt to step foot in that place again. I haven't since day one and I don't anticipate ever doing so in the future. Lucky for me, I notice Tim about to step outside.

"Tim!" I call out, grabbing his attention. He notices me quickly and walks towards me. "Clint was here patching someone up. He said he left a bag. You wouldn't happen to have seen it anywhere?"

"Not that I can think of." Tim replied with a shake of his head. "I can go and check for you though, if you want?" He offered. I've never agreed to something so quickly in my life. Tim disappeared back into the blood house to retrieve Clint's bag. In the meantime I just stood around waiting.

"Hey Mira...." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around and find Ben behind me. I'm a little surprised to see him in the Glade at this time of the day.

"Ben, hey!" I smile, trying to shake off my obvious confused expression. "What-what are you doing in the Glade?" I ask, my curiosity taking the lead.

"Uh, Minho and I are taking the day to map the maze." Ben shrugs. "Stephen and Alfred are running the maze today." He continues to explain. "They had some idea...or something that they wanted to check out."

"Oh...." I nodded my head, not knowing how to respond. "So a slow day for you as well, then?"

"I suppose it is." Ben agreed with a chuckle. Just then Tim comes back, Clint's bag in hand.

"Thanks, Tim." I take the bag from him and Tim leaves to continue working. Something I should also do. I turn back to Ben. "I better get back and give this to Clint..." I say, holding up the bag a little.

"Yeah, me too. I-I mean, like...I have to be getting back too." Ben stutters a bit, scratching the back of his head. "Minho's probably wondering where I got to." He chuckles and starts walking slowly backwards. "See you at dinner!"

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