Chapter fifteen

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“So you are going to Hawaii tomorrow and you decided to tell me today?” Steven shouted at Nathan in the school hallway, getting every student to stop and stare at them.
Nathan heaved a sigh and turned to him, “yeah, and thank you for telling the whole school,” he rolled his eyes as he turned and continue on his way to the cafeteria.
“But dude,” Steven jogged after him, he started walking when he was beside him, “we are best friends, how can you be travelling for your birthday and you didn’t feel the need to tell me earlier on, come on man, you didn’t even bother to wonder if I would like to go.”
“I don’t want you to go,” Nathan replied, “this is just me and Trace and I don’t want anybody around.”
“Whoa, are you planning on making a move?” Steven raised an eyebrow with a cocky grin.
Nathan shook his head with a tiny smile, “no, but there is this comment she made on Saturday I can’t get off my mind and the last thing I want is you or anybody stopping her from carrying out what she planned.”
“Stopping who?” a voice asked behind them and they turned to see Cindy, “who is ‘her’?”
“Have you heard about the words ‘none of your business’?” Nathan raised an eyebrow.
“Hey, I just wanted to talk to you, it’s not my fault if I overheard what you guys were talking about,” she rolled her eyes, popping her gum.
“What do you want to talk about?” Steven asked with a grin.
“There is a party at Jackson’s tonight; I wanted to know if you guys are going?”
“What, Jackson is throwing a party and I didn’t know?” Steven replied, “Dude, we gotta be there, Jackson’s parties are the best.”
“Carry on without me, I will take a rain check,” Nathan refused without batting an eyelid.
“Dude, come on, you missed the school dance doing absolutely nothing, you can’t say no to a party. Not with you traveling and all,” Steven grumbled.
“You are traveling?” Cindy asked, “Where?”
“Hawaii, he would be having his birthday party there,” Steven filled her in, gaining a glare from Nathan. “Oh, I forgot to add, no one is invited,” he added, trying to avoid the killer glare.
“Oh, can I come Nathan?” she asked still, grabbing onto his arms and running her fingers on him, “please?”
Nathan groaned, and it all happened so fast that the next thing they knew, he was pinning Cindy on one of the lockers and they were dangerously close. He looked at her, breathing on her face, “I am going to say this once, I don’t like you and no matter how cheap you throw yourself around, I will still not like you, so the next time you try this rubbish again, you won’t like me either.” He released her, walking away and paying no mind to the stunned expression of everyone.
Tracy was coming back today and he refused to have anything ruin his mood, and so when Steven came running after him and asking him what that was all about, he feigned ignorance and entered the cafeteria, being in his best behavior.
Nathan drove to the airport after receiving a call from Tracy that they have landed; he sat on the bumper of the car, waiting for her. To distract himself from the rapid beating of his heart, he started playing a game on his phone until he heard, “Nathan-Boo,” from the most seductive voice he had ever heard. He glanced up to see the woman walking up to him, or in this case he should say a girl. She was dressed in a really short red flay gown. Her deep brown hair was cascading down her shoulders in beautiful beach waves and her hazel eyes were shining like stars.
He jumped off the bumper with his mouth opened, he had never seen her dress like that, if he didn’t know her, he would say she was eighteen or at most nineteen. She was in his arms before he could say ‘Hi’ and she kissed him at the corner of his lips, “hello pretty boy, how have you been?” she smiled.
Nathan was still shocked at the dramatic change in her; he wiped off her red lipstick from the corner of his mouth and stared at her for some seconds just to be sure it was her. “I’m okay, and you?”
“Awesome, so, do you like my dress?” she spun around, her dress flying up that he caught a glimpse of her red underwear, just to prove how short the gown was.
“It’s short,” he replied, deriving a giggle from her.
“I know, so the store I got it from said it’s what teenage girls love to wear these days.”
“You are not a teenager,” he felt like he needed to remind her.
“I know, but I still feel young enough,” she winked.
“You didn’t wear this in the plane, did you?”
“I have to be in my uniform Nathan,” she rolled her eyes, walking to the passenger’s side of the car and getting in. She flung her duffel bag at the backseat and waited for him to get in. “So, have you packed?”
“I’m a man, there is not much to pack,” he replied, glancing at her thighs that were in full view. He gulped and stared at the windscreen, trying to erase the smooth flawless skin from his mind. “So um, you just changed into this now?”
“Yeah,” she replied, crossing her leg over the other.
He looked at her and regretted doing it, with her legs crossed, the gown jumped up that he could now see her red underwear. He gulped and glanced away, starting the car. “So you are going somewhere?”
“No, we are going home. I called Lucy, she said she is not working night tonight and I mentioned about the travel and she told me you already told her about it and we should have fun. But she didn’t need to tell me that, because we are already going to have fun,” she winked at him and licked her blood red lips.
Nathan cleared his throat and stared straight ahead, avoiding looking at her and also fighting to keep his mind from adding to the hotness he was already feeling. “Um…what-what did you plan for us anyway?” he cleared his throat again.
“Impatient much?” she giggled, “don’t worry, you will find out when we get there.”
The rest of the ride was spent with them talking about random things and he avoiding looking at her milky thighs and how smooth they looked that he just wants to run his fingers on them.
“There, that’s everything I need,” Nathan said zipping up the duffel bag he had brought over to Tracy’s house to pack. “You think I will need anything else?” he turned and froze. Tracy was undressing in front of the wardrobe with her back to him. Her devilish short gown was now on the floor and she was in nothing but her red underwear and bra. Nathan gulped staring at her smooth back, he felt his dick throb as she unhooked her bra and took of the cups. He found himself wishing she would just turn around so he could get a look at those juicy oranges that he had fantasized about a lot in his dreams.
But instead, she hooked her thumbs on her panties line and begin to push it down, only to stop midway and giggle, “oopise, I forgot you were in the room,” she chuckled and ran into the bathroom.
Nathan gulped and he was somehow grateful that she didn’t turn to him because there was no way she would not have seen his really hard bulge. He couldn’t believe what just happened; yes she was often taking off her tops in front of him but not like this, not the one of even taking off her bra. He stared at his dick that was making it presence known from his pants and gulped once more, images of how flawless her skin looked flashing in his mind. “Damn,” he whispered, running his fingers through his hair as he licked his lips.
He knew there was no way she would have forgotten he was in the room, for goodness sake, he was just talking to her, how could she have forgotten? Something was going on, Tracy is playing a game with him, he concluded. He could still remember the shenanigans she pulled at the dinner they had with his mom. How she constantly run her legs over his under the table and laughed it off saying sorry. Or how her fork had dropped and she went under the table to pick it up, rubbing her breasts on his leg, sending a bolt of electricity through him and how everything has rushed down south, making him hard immediately.
Thinking about everything from the time he picked her up till now, she has just been giving him unending arousals. Even his dick was becoming painful from the constant hardening and not doing anything. But what game is she playing? Why can’t she just come clean and say what she wants, he knows he will never say no to her and he doesn’t want to act on impulse and then ruin everything. Could it really be what I’m thinking? Is she doing this on purpose? Then should I act? What if it ends up being that I’m misreading everything and seeing what isn’t there? Not knowing what to think or do, he groaned and fell on the bed, his hands covering his face.
“Goodness, you are still here?” he heard and sat up to see Tracy standing beside the bathroom door, her towel hanging dangerously low from her breasts that the only things it was covering was her nipples. It was also too short just like her gown that her thighs were exposed for him to drink on. He watched as beads of water trailed from her eye lashes down her cheeks to her slightly opened pink lips and then down her throat to her spilling out breasts. He gulped as he sensed the hard on he had tried so hard to vanquish come back in full force that he felt a slight pain from the throbbing of his dick.

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