+ Chapter 6: Apologies +

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    Princess Rose walked back inside her castle with a gentle smile, proud she was able to clear things up with her childhood friend so easily. She was relieved they both didn't actually like one another, but also felt a little bitter. It was truly sad, both of them never able to love who they truly loved.

    Nothing could ruin her positive mood, Princess Rose thought, till she turned and saw something that made her smile drop instantly. Her mother approaching her with a slightly angry, but overall cold glare. As her mother neared, Princess Rose curtsied in respect.

    "Is there something I can assist you with, mother?" she asked politely, standing up straight again as she made eye contact with her mother. Her mother stared at her for a moment, before sighing in slight annoyance.

    "Princess Rose, It's come to my attention you disrespected our maid this morning?" her mother replied coldly, raising an eyebrow and slightly tilting her head. Princess Rose went quiet for a moment, tensing slightly, to only hear her mother sigh once more in reseponse.

    "I apologize, mother," Princess Rose finally managed to utter out, slightly hanging her head as she felt the amount of disappointment her mother currently held for her just in her intense gaze. Her mother scoffed.

    "I am not the one to be apologizing too. Maid Belle is threatening to quit because of your disgusting behavior! I told her that's ridiculous, but she wouldn't listen to reason," her mother slightly made gestures with her hands, before huffing softly, pinching the bridge of her nose.

    Princess Rose nodded. "I'll go find her now," she said calmly, dipping her head. Her mother dipped her head back at her, and Princess Rose took the action as confirmation that she could go find poor Maid Belle. She hurried off to find the loyal, kind, respectful maid.

    After a few minutes, Princess Rose found the familiar maid from this morning lurking around the castle's front door, obviously planning to leave soon. Princess Rose quickly walked up to her, and smiled gently when she got closer. She received a scowl from Maid Belle.

    "Maid Belle, I think you deserve an apology," Princess Rose began softly, before clearing her throat and continuing on a bit louder, "I shouldn't have yelled at you this morning. It was rude and wasn't very lady-like from my end."

    Maid Belle slightly rolled her eyes and scoffed softly, making Princess Rose flinch. How could she even do such rude gestures in front of royalty. She knew she had messed up, but this maid was pushing her limits. Princess Rose's gentle smile faltered almost immediately.

    "I am tired by being so disrespected around here! I do nothing but sit and clean and remain polite, and I get such disgusting responses!" Maid Belle complained, throwing her arms up in a dramatic way. Princess Rose felt her blood boil.

    Maid Belle was literally the most respected maid inside this castle. Princess Rose didn't know she had such a bratty side and felt even more mad as she remembered all the times she stuck up for the disgusting brat. She looked at the maid she once looked at with admiration with disgust instead.

    "Excuse me?" Princess Rose asked softly, trying her very best not to lash out. She knew exactly what this maid was trying to do. She was trying to guilt trip her, the princess, with her bratty complaints. She took a gentle deep breath in an attempt to cool the blood boiling inside of her.

    "You heard me!" Maid Belle barked out with a huff. "Do you royals not even listen to me now? I work so hard I literally have back problems at this point!" she carried on complaining, even holding a hand to her back for extra dramatic effect.

    This girl was literally not even thirty yet.

    "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, want me to get you some ice and a comfy wheelchair?" Princess Rose asked sharply in a condescending tone. She then rolled her eyes and cross her arms over her chest with a slight scoff.

    Maid Belle looked offended, her mouth dropping agape and putting the tip of her fingers to her chest dramatically. "How dare you even suggest such a cruel thing!" the maid growled, clenching her other fist.

    Princess Rose raised an eyebrow. "Well, doesn't your back hurt?" Princess Rose asked, narrowing her eyes to slits as she studied this pathetic brat in front of her. Maid Belle seemed to slightly sweat, but she wiped it away, and cleared her throat.

    "My back only hurts from all this work you make me do! Where is my thank you?" Maid Belle scoffed, slightly turning her shoulder to face the princess a bit more, closing her eyes as she huffed softly. Princess Rose half expected her to stomp her foot next.

    Princess Rose rolled her eyes, but spoke calmly and sweetly, making her words even more mocking. "Well then, if our mass amount of work hurts you oh so much, maybe you should just get some rest more, yes?"

    Maid Belle raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly. "Oh yes, a break sounds lovely for me. How long?" the maid questioned in a tone of triumph. She really thought she was winning this battle. Oh no, Princess Rose was going to wipe that smug smirk off her face.

    "A day, two, maybe even some weeks? A month? Oh, I got it!" Princess Rose smiled gently, snapping her fingers softly as though she just thought of the most amazing idea. Her gentle smile twisted into a smug smirk.

    "How about forever?"

    It was hilarious to watch the bratty maid's face shift into one of shock and anger, her face flushing a deep red. The maid was speechless, only glaring at the princess, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

    "Is that long enough for you?" Princess Rose asked sweetly but couldn't hide the gloating in her tone. She knew she had won, and she was going to savor her sweet victory. Maid Belle's only response was an angry "hmph" as she turned and stormed out of the castle.

    Princess Rose hummed in satisfaction, and even snickered softly to herself. Man, that was truly the most fun she's had in a while.

An - Sorry if this chapter is sort of late! This is my last week of my school! I personally had so much fun writing this chapter, and I already have countless ideas to add to this story! I hope your all enjoying so far! Be sure to comment your thoughts, and maybe even your predictions if you have anything!

Also, I re-read my story and saw all the typos in past chapters- and I REALLY am so sorry for all of those typos. It bugged me so bad! I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle to read!

(Also, "Studying Love" release is being moved to Saturday, May 25th for my own personal reasons. I just doubt I'd have any extra time to write tomorrow. Thanks for understanding!)

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