Chapter 6

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**** author note*****
I have been a bit under the weather and also I was lost on the plot but I am back.

Thanks for the votes but can I also get comments so that I am aware of what yall think about the chapter. Thanks for reading.


Everyone had gone back to their rooms and Jiang Cheng finds out that someone needs to die to change the future from Jingyi and it made his decision stronger.

Unfortunately, the other sects also fund out about the kids from the future and arrived at cloud recess to find out about their sects in the future.

"Uncle, I don't think we can accommodate all of the guests in cloud recess with all the students." Lan Xichen told his uncle as soon as his uncle told him about the letters sent by the sect leaders.

"Xichen, we need to send the students back home because it's not like they have been studying since the kids came." Lan Qiren said and lan xichen agreed and told everyone to go back home as soon as morning reached and all the students were thrilled.

***** in the morning***
"A-die, you are right but you and shufu need to talk to your A-die before everything happens." Shuyan explained softly to lan xichen

"Good morning, Zewujun and Shuyan but has any of you seen Jiang Cheng?" Wei Wuxian asked with confusion as he couldn't find his didi and his foster parents will be there soon.

"Yes, uncle Wei, baba went to town with Jingyi. They will be back soon." Shuyan said with a smile and Wei Wuxian and lan xichen agreed.

The three went to greet the sects which had already came and they finally saw madam yu and sect leader Jiang.

"You must be Jiang Shuyan. A-cheng told me about you. You are so beautiful." Madam yu said and sect leader Jiang turned towards her.

"Fengmain, she is Jiang Cheng' daughter. He came home while you were in Nei sect." She said softly which genuinely shocked Wei Wuxian.

"Welcome to cloud recess Sect Leader Jiang and Madam yu. We are excited to host you both. Please walk inside." Lan Xichen said with his polite lan voice.

"Please lead us in. Young master Lan." Sect Leader Jiang said putting his hand around wei wuxian' s shoulder. The four walked inside leaving Shuyan waiting for Jaing Cheng and Lan Jingyi.

The Wen came in. Shuyan was overwhelmed as she had never seen A man as scary as Wen Rouhan.

She politely bowed and soon realised one of the soldiers with wen raohan was the one who looked at her disgustingly last time so she rolled her eyes.

"Are you rolling your eyes at us? Who are You?" The soldier yelled at her.

"Yelling isn't allowed in Cloud recess. Kindly refrain from it." She spoke with a polite smile.

The soldier was about to say something when wen raohan held his hand up silencing him. They walked inside leaving Shuyan there.

*****inside the hall***

"Grandmaster Lan, what was the need to invite the Wens?" Sect Leader Yao said with malice written all over his eyes.

"That's where we differ, sect leader Yao. You not wanting us here doesnt change that we are already here." Wen Raohan said with a smirk.

Lan Wangji looked around the room for Wei Wuxian and couldn't find him nor were any of the kids there.

Sect Leader Yao looked at the wens with hate but Lan Xichen cleared his throat and greeted everyone politely and officially welcoming them.

Wei Wuxian tiptoed into the room and stood beside Lan Wangji.

"Lan Zhan, we have a problem."

"Wei Ying, what did you do Now?" Lan Zhan asked

"All the boys went with Jiang Cheng. a-jie and the peacock were given a work with grandmaster Lan so we need to stop everyone from asking about the kids until everyone is here." Wei wuxian said.

"I will go and inform gege about this." Lan Zhan said after telling Wei Wuxian to stay where he was.

"Gege, the kids will be late." Lan Zhan whispered to lan xichen' s ears.

"Where are the future people? Are the Lans hiding them?" The soldier who was arguing with Shuyan yelled again.

"I thought i was clear about the yelling rule. Are you really so dumb?" Shuyan asked entering the room.

The soldier unsheathed his sword and yelled that a woman couldn't telling him what to do. He moved close to Shuyan and raised his sword to hit her but lan xichen came between them and pushed him hard.

Unfortunately, his sword had slightly cut zewujun's hand and now everyone in the room had unsheathed their swords.

"Everyone, sheath your swords. And take a seat." Zewujun said without the usual smile. The lan rules had binded him in a way that he couldn't even kill the man who dared to think about harming his daughter.

Lan Wangji looked around and couldn't find Wei Wuxian. On the plus side he was thankful that Wei Ying didn't witness any of that.

The soldier stood just in time when Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, the boys, jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli came in.

"Is everything alright?" Jiang WeiChen asked when he noticed his twin looked disturbed.

"Gege, that guy tried to kill me." Shuyan said loudly.

Jiang Cheng and WeiChen looked at the man with murder written all over their eyes. They noticed blood on the man's sword and turned to Shuyan.

"Is that your blood?" Jiang Cheng asked with fake calmness.

"No baba, it's A-die's blood." Shuyan said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Lan Xichen in question but the latter just smiled in reassurance.

Jiang Cheng moved close to the man and unsheathed his sword so fast that no-one saw it and stabbed the man.

The Man had another stab from behind and it was from Jiang WeiChen' s sword.

The father-son duo looked at each other with silent agreement and stepped away from the dead man.

Everyone looked at the two as if they had grown additional heads.

"Young master Jiang, what have you the authority to kill that man?" One of the sect leaders asked in accusation.

"What about you say that to me?" Madam yu said back with the Zidian promising threats.

"Everyone sit down and we will have that meeting." Lan Xichen spoke with utmost authority.

"Juijui, I have a list of Jin elders to kill before I am born, can you take care of that too?" Jin ling said with a  smirk.

Jingyi let out a nervous laugh and signalled the guards to take the body out.

let's save them all Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora