Chapter 4

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"Now that we are all here, let's start the story." Zizhen said with a huge grin while the rest grimaced

"Let's start from the time yall were studying here. Jingyi, you tell start." Jin ling said.

"Sure. So while studying, one day uncle Wei gets into trouble over drinking and also Hanguang-jun also gets punished. A-die tells uncle Wei to go to the spring to ease his pain so he goes there and meet Hanguang-jun and get into a fight causing them to slip into the cold spring and meeting the female sect leader who was 100 years old and they also get the yin iron." Jingyi said quickly.

"Wait I punished Wangji?" Qiren asked in shock.

"Yes Sir." Jingyi said.

"Ok so I will continue." Sizhui said softly.

"So A-die and baba came to shufu and grandpa lan with the yin iron and get their approval to look for the rest. Baba gets into a fight with young master Jin over his plain disrespect towards young mistress Jiang and gets sent home and also the engagement between young master Jin and young mistress Jiang gets cancelled." Sizhui spoke elegantly.

The juniors keep telling the stories and their parents get more concerned of their lives in the future.

"At the Guanyin Temple, it was discovered that Jin Guanyao or Meng yao was the real villian not Uncle Wei. He tried to kill uncle Wei and that when my idiotic uncle thought it was a perfect time to confess his feelings to Hanguang-jun. He also tried to kill me but Juijui comes and beat his ass. He gets into an argument with Juijui and ends up injuring Juijui. We were told that uncle Wei gave his core to Juijui and they actually talk things out. Jin Guanyao loses his hand to hunguang-jun and Zewujun stans him and then the Ghost of Nei Mingjue comes and attack us. Juijui and uncle Wei try to protect me. Nie Mingjue takes Jin Guangyao into the coffin and it gets locked. Zewujun goes into seclusion, Hanguang-jun becomes the chief Cultivator, I become a sect leader." Jin ling concluded.

"So I practically live with mad people." Jiang cheng said

"What do you mean?" Wei Wuxian asks deep in thought.

"Who on Earth gives up their golden core? Are you crazy or there is something we need to know?" Jiang Cheng yelled

"You are my brother and my future, not really, sect leader. Do you want to run a sect without cultivation powers?" Wei Wuxian yelled back.

"Wait a minute before you two get into a fist fight. How did A-cheng and Zewujun even end up married?" Jiang Yanli asked intervening before her brothers forget about the amount of people in the room with them.

"Aunt Yanli, they fell in love after uncle Wei died and Hunguang-jun went into seclusion. A-die didn't know what to do with Sizhui and baba already had experience with me and WeiChen gege. Also when Hunguang-jun found out that his son was being co-parented by his enemy he throw a fit and after some months baba and Hunguang-jun became friends considering they were practically mourning the same guy as in uncle Wei. They got married after some time of courting and we lives fine for some years until the Guanyin temple incident." Shuyan explained.

Jiang Cheng was turning red by the minute and Lan Xichen had butterflies in his stomach. He had always wished for a love marriage considering Lans only loved once and he got his wish.

"But what's the need for all that when our esteemed Zewujun would rather rot in a room than face his own family?" WeiChen asked in a condescending tone. He stood up and left the hall in anger.

" I am sorry I did what?" Lan Xichen asked confused by his son's statement.

"Don't be A-die. It's just gege doesnt understand why you went into seclusion. But we all understand your reasons." Jingyi stated with a small smile.

"I will go check on that fool and come back." Jiang cheng said and left the hall.

Everyone in the room were discussing the future events but lan xichen could stop thinking about how stupid he becomes in the future.

Lan Wangji was thinking of ways to save his Wei Ying while the said man was jokingly teasing Sizhui.

********* outside****

"What are you even so mad about?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Baba, you wouldn't understand. If he could leave all of us over such silly things then he could leave us anytime." Jiang WeiChen said.

"Dude, he found out that his best friend killed his other best friend. Let's just cut him some slack." Jiang cheng said with an understanding smile.

"Don't smile at me. People will see you." Jiang WeiChen said looking everywhere not to meet his baba's eyes.

"I am smiling at my oldest son who happen to be older than me. Who has anything to say about that?" Jiang Cheng laughed

"They wouldn't dare." Jiang WeiChen said in a laugh too.

"Come on. You need to apologise to Zewujun." Jiang cheng ushered.

"Baba did you time travel too?" WeiChen asked


"You are always telling me to apologise." WeiChen said.

"Because it's good manners." Jiang cheng said.

"Says the man who killed random people because they threatened Jin ling. What do you even know about manners?" WeiChen said and let out a louder laughter.

Considering how quiet cloud recess was everyone heard him laugh including the ones in the hall. They all ran out to find out the reason behind he outburst.

"Gege, is everything alright?" Shuyan asked

"No it's fine. Baba just told me about manners." He answered his twin with a grin.

Jiang Cheng elbowed his side and moved him forward.

"A-die I fully apologise for my rude behaviour. I am ready to receive any punishment you see fit." WeiChen said.

"I don't see how thats necessary." Xichen said with an encouraging smile. He turned and left the scene with lan Wangji on his heel.

"Gege, you should've punished him. He was rude to you infront of everyone." Lan Wangji said

"I know someone who is exactly Jiang WeiChen just with more obligations." Lan Xichen said

"Who gege?" Wangji asked getting annoyed by the second.

"My dear brother, Lan Wangji. Given a chance without the Lan obligations, I know you'd have the same to say about our A-die." Lan Xichen said softly

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