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Amerè fluttered her eyes open quickly realising the mild thudding in the back of her head from last nights red wines. She slowly stood up from her bed to prevent any further headaches before quickly looking in the mirror making sure she didn't look all terrible. She wore a pair of grey sweat-shorts and a black hoodie and some fuzzy socks, her soft brown hair hung messily to her waist somehow still looking good as she made her way to the kitchen.
She wasn't sure if anyone was awake as it was only 8am but she assumed that if not then they wouldn't be long as they had a big day ahead of them.
She walked into the kitchen and heard shuffling around.
"Good morning Charles!"  she smiled at him extremely surprised that he was the first and only one up.
"Oh morning amerè didn't expect to see you up this soon, how did you sleep?" He smiled up from his phone he had been looking at on the counter.
"Good actually this place is so cozy and warm"  she laughed making him laugh join.
"Good. Do you wanna help me make breakfast we're gonna need alot of food" he chuckled knowing how much the boys can really eat.
"Yeah of course I'd love to, what were you thinking of making"
"I was thinking toast, eggs and bacon?"
"Yes perfect I'll make a start with the eggs and you on the toast?"
"Ill get to it!" he said as he walked to the pantry that was now fully stocked thanks to Lando and Herself

Almost as if they had heard the word breakfast, more and more slightly hungover drivers made there way from there rooms to the kitchen and sat on the sofa by the island were Amerè and Charles were continuing breakfast prep, as they engaged in there own conversations or sat and stared at whatever trashy 2000's show was on the tv.
As the two finished plating up the food they placed it on the dining table in the centre and figured that everyone could help themselves to whatever they want.
"Finally I'm starving" Oscar groaned walking past the girl wiping down the side to get to the table.
"I don't see you cooking osc" she sassed back shoving him playfully making him roll his eyes as he sat.
"Amerè I hope you are a better cook than Charles I could do without poisoning today" Carlos spoke in a tone that was hard to tell if he was joking or not.
"Dont worry I only let him touch the toast" she laughed turning to Charles who had a very dissatisfied face.
"I am actually a very good cook thank you" he spoke through his bite of toast with his eyebrows furrowed, making the table laugh.
"Where is Lando?" Max interrupts looking around the table making everyone else copy
"I thought it was a little quiet" Lewis spoke earning some chuckles
"He's definitely still asleep he could sleep through an entire race weekend if he wasn't dragged up" Oscar joined in the Lando bullying.
"I can go and wake him? You have all started eating already" she spoke throwing the surface wipe into the bin that she had been cleaning with.
"Yeah go on then, make sure he dosent bite your head off he's definitely not a morning person" Oscar laughs definitely from personal experience
"I'll try my best, wont be a sec" she laughed exiting the kitchen as she heard echos of
'thank you'

Amerè walked to the end of the corridor where her Oscar and Lando's rooms were.  She stood at his door and knocked softly, she knew he wasn't going to answer but it was always polite too.
Slowly opening the door she walked into his room and spotted the familiar boy layed tucked into his bed. She admired the boy in how peaceful he looked, the way his curls gently fell on his face as his mound of duvet slowly rose and fell with the palpitations of his heart.
"Landooo" she sung rather quiet feeling bad for disturbing his peace.
He did not reply.
"Lando I have made food and it will all be gone if you don't get up soon you know what they're like" she spoke slightly louder this time while laughing at her own joke.
His head appeared fully out of the sea of blanket he had sunk himself into. A low groan leaving him as he stretched out his arms in front of him, eyes still closed.
"Hm?" He spoke clearly not having taken in anything that was just said to him.
"Thank god I thought I was going to have to drag you out of bed  if you didn't wake up soon" she chuckled
The boys eyes shot open.
"Amerè?" He spoke as his face flushed light pink from the state he was in, luckily going unnoticed to the girl who had started looking out of his window at the view.
"Indeed unfortunately I was the one voted to-" she started as she turned around to face the boy, however she stunned herself as she saw his muscular shoulders and start of his chest as he had sat up slightly, her face now twinged in embarrassment of how long she was staring
"Wake you up- I was warned of you biting my head off" she continued shaking off whatever was going on a second ago
"I'm sure I can spare your head just this once"  he smiled up at the girl stood before him still in her pyjamas.
"Well thank you Lando" she smiled back at him
"Now hurry up and get downstairs if you actually want breakfast and not scraps!"  She laughed walking past him towards his door flicking his face gently making him laugh lightly, the contact of her hand to his head made him shiver and that same shade of pink rise to his face again, as the girl obliviously made her way to the kitchen to hopefully get some breakfast.

"Any luck?" George said as the girl walked back into the room
"Yeah he got up fine he'll be down in a second I assume" she smiled picking herself up a piece of toast and sitting down next to Oscar at the end of the table.
"Well thats odd of him" Lewis spoke shooting a knowing smirk to Oscar
"oh trust me I know" Oscar replied shooting the same look back at him from across the table somehow having had a conversation with there eyes leaving the girl highly confused but she quickly shook it off as the certain sleepy boy walked into the kitchen. Now wearing a shirt.
"I thought you would never wake" Carlos smiled at lando stood still half asleep in a hoodie and pyjama pants.
"It is nine am you are all acting like it's 4 in the afternoon!" he rose his voice slightly with a joke tone laced into it as he also grabbed himself a slice of toast and some bacon.
The table chuckled at his childish antics as he sat himself down next to Lewis shooting a lazy smile at the girl at the other end of the table to which she warmly reciprocated.
"What are the plans for today?" The girl spoke into the comfortable silence
"I was thinking at about 10 we set off for skiing and just do some free practice and do whatever we want around the slopes until about 3-4 ish then I have booked dinner for 8pm"
Lewis spoke clearly the Dad of this trip.
"Perfect i can't wait!" She smiled extremely excited
"Have you even been skiing before Amerè?" lando questioned
Umm no I'm going to totally eat shit but it looks so fun" she chuckled earning laughs from the table
"Well if it helps many of us have been loads and are still rubbish" he smiled at her.
"Yeah last time lando stacked it and rolled down a snowy hill" max spoke up nonchalantly making the boy bury his head in his hands in embarrassment
"It was NOT my fault" he laughed away the embarrassment
"Sureeee the air just tripped you up then" Carlos joined egging the boy on.
"Exactly Carlos gets it" he sassed rolling his eyes standing up to take his plate to the sink.

"Right everyone get ready and meet by the front door at ten.is that okay?" George shouted as everyone exited the kitchen towards there own rooms everyone humming a yes in response.

Amerè threw on a grey hoodie with black leggings and a north face puffer paired with her ugg boots, she would get her full ski gear once she arrived at the actual skiing place this was just for warmth. As she sat at the vanity she tied her hair to a loose plait that would keep her hair away from her face but could easily be taken out. There was no pint in any makeup as it would be covered and probably just sweat off however she still curled her lashes and put mascara on just for confidence.
She still had about 15 minutes before having to leave so she sat on her bed scrolling her phone sending some quick tests to Layla keeping her updated on how the trip was going before making her way downstairs to meet everyone at the front door.


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