
2.9K 109 26

"Before I go take a shower, can I do something I might regret?"

"Before I go take a shower, can I do something I might regret?"

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❤ 3 162

Badmintonfan1 Freya showed up with three bouquets. From who she got them? And do you see her smile? She is just unbothered with fans and I love her for that ❤ Our QUEEN

💬 73

👤 She is not queen. She is a bitch

👤 Her smile is everything

👤 Hate her and her whole family

👤 Don't deserve to play after what she did to Roberto

👤 Roberto is lovely man and she ruin him

👤 I wonder who give her this flowers
👤 Some fan said that she saw notes in these flowers and one had 'Norris' and other had 'Lewis' on it
👤 Norris? Lewis? That's F1 drivers
👤 Norris is common name and Lewis is too
👤 Yeah, but there are rumors about F1 drivers been in her house in Sweeden


It was after the Spanish Grand Prix, where of course, Max took first place. It was close, though, just like in Italy or Canada, where Lando kept pressuring Max. McLaren had improved significantly, and now they were always less than a second behind Max and his Red Bull – making the races a bit more exciting again, with fewer complaints about predictable results. Yes, Max kept winning, but now he had to fight harder for his spot. He no longer won by thirty seconds.

Freya was in Nice, France. Her mother was several hundred kilometers away dealing with sponsors in Singapore. She was alone and enjoying it. Well, not completely alone – she had her coach with her, so she had someone to talk to, but even he didn't like her mom, so they ate and did things together that her mother would normally forbid – for instance, Freya was driving this time because she finally could.

She was already at the tournament venue but still hadn't seen Max. He had promised to call her when he arrived and tell her where he would be standing so she could look at him if she felt nervous – or, as Freya planned, whenever she wanted because who wouldn't want to look at Max Verstappen?

IN MY HEART // F1 MAX VERSTAPPEN [BOOK 1]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя