Solo-The Good Nurse

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The Good Nurse



As I lay here with Y/N in my arms, I can't help but to think about the first time I saw her at Warner Children's Clinic. I got my first sample of her sweet-spirited nature when I took Javon to a doctor's appointment three years ago. When I saw her, my first thought was, "this nurse is finer than a muthafucka." Even though I thought she was fine, I wasn't really in the mood to talk. Like, I was on some "take care of my son so I can go" type shit. It wasn't her fault. I was just tired and ready to get back home because it was my day off. I had had a long night and I promised myself as soon as Javon went down for his nap, I was going right with him.

At that point, I had been a single parent since Javon was two months old. His mother decided she just didn't want to be burdened by the responsibility of being a parent. So, she packed up her shit, dropped Javon off at my mother's house and left town. We haven't seen her since.
She left me so damn bitter. How does a mother just abandon her child? How does any parent abandon their child? I've asked myself that question so many times and vowed that Javon would never have to find out how it feels to not have his father in his life. I've been doing a pretty good job of taking care of him without the sour pussy-having ass incubator listed as his mother on his birth certificate. Yeah, I'm still pissed.

Anyway, back to that doctor's visit that brought my happiness to me. Y/N asked me a couple of questions about Javon and gave me some general information about the shots he was getting. As big as I am, I still haven't gotten used to seeing my son cry when he gets those things. I hate it. As Y/N prepared the first injection, I tried to keep Javon occupied with working on our handshake. Y/N looked up from her task and smiled.

"Nervous?" she asked.

"Hunh?" I replied, meeting her gaze.

"Are you nervous? You've been toe-tapping since I pulled out my syringes."

I didn't even notice I had been doing it.

"Lil' bit," I answered, forcing my knee to quit bouncing. "I don't like seeing my baby cry."

"Don't worry. I'm gonna do my best to make this as less painful as possible for you both."

I nodded and rubbed my son's hair. He didn't have a care in the world about what Y/N was about to do to him.

"You want some chicken nuggets, Tonka?" I asked him.

He looked up at me, smiled and nodded his head.

"Ah-ite, I gotchu, dude."

Finally,Y/N was ready to torture my baby. She raised the pant leg of his shorts and cleaned the injection site with an alcohol pad. Before she started, she engaged him in this game that got him so hyped up that I had to keep him balanced on the table. When she finally jabed that fucking sword of a needle into his lil' chunky thigh, he stopped his joyful play and frowned. However, she continued with her playful banter and before he could register that it was time for him to cry, she produced a sucker from the front pocket of her shirt and started praising him. He was so excited, he clapped his hands and took the candy from her.

I don't know how she did that, but I appreciate her for it. She's good at her job.

"That's pretty dope. How you do that?" I asked, looking at her.

"It's magic," she answered, placing a band-aid over the injection site.

"You got skills."

"It's what I do."

I was expecting her not to have the same luck on the other side, but she proved me wrong and did the same exact thing. That was the first time I had ever taken Javon for his shots and he did that good with them. His last doctor didn't have the same compassion as Y/N. She's definitely one of a kind.

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