let's not meet again (31)

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"STOP YELLING ON US AND JUST ACCEPT THAT YOU'RE A GOLD DIGGER!!!" said the grandma yelling back at yoongi

He was fed up with everyone now , no one was supporting him instead they were all looking at him with a doubt

"Mom ..... Mom , you .... Do you believe me or not !!?" Asked yoongi going to his mother but she sighed looking at him

"You should've told us , yoongi .... Now what are we supposed to believe on !! ...everytime you take a decision and then regret it later but me and your dad still believes in you ....learning from your past experience you shouldn't have been reckless this time" she said and yoongi had nothing to say

"Did we ever forced you to work ?? ...then what was the need of going to that kind of place and giving the chAnce to someone like him to speak rubbish about you" said yoongi's father in disappointment

"I ....didn't want to be a burden on you for my whole life ...I wanted to do something on my own , I wanted pay my own expenses!!" Said yoongi

"When did we say that you're a burden on us ?? ... We never said that yoongi .... Why would you think so negatively!!!" Said his father

"So it's clear , he has committed a crime by not telling you the truth and BL..............."

"Yoongi-hyung is not lying .... I ....followed him last night and when I reached there this guy aka the owner of that club was trying to force himself on yoongi-hyung....I got there on time otherwise !!!!" Jungkook paused and interrupted grandma

"He did ?? .... Call the police !!" Said jungkook's mother

Jungkook was gonna call but his grandma stopped him

"If police came then they'll ask so many questions and queries ... This stupid boy will get you all in trouble !!!" Said the Grandma

"So what ....he had tr............."

"Just let this matter go ... You said that you've beaten him enough last night so just .... Let it go now ...... The only thing you need to concentrate is that this boy has lied to you , not just once but so many times!!" Said the grandma and signed the owner guy to get out of the house

He immediately ran out before anyone could catch him

"You remember how he has ruined your relations with kims .... Do something before he get you on road because of his lies and stupidity!!" Said the grandma

Yoongi again tried to talk to his parents but they both were actually mad on yoongi now

They left to their room leaving yoongi with grandma , ji-ya and jungkook

"Tsk tsk tsk ..... Yoongi , you really to blame your fate for getting you in problems everytime!!" Said ji-ya and she also left from there

"Leave this house , boy !!...just do not ruin my kids because of your dumb brain !!" Said the grandma

Jungkook was standing next to yoongi but had no courage to comfort him as he also did the same as that man!!

"Ignoring my sorrow , my tears ....they all just walked away...no one even asked me if I was okay !! , They all are selfish!! .... I know I've lied to mom and dad's and from now on even they won't trust me !!!!!" Thought yoongi clenching his fists

He was just standing on the same place for so long along with jungkook

"What should I do now !! ...I don't even have any right to comfort him as i am one of the reason for his misery!!" Thought jungkook

Hate You, Love You (yoonkook)Where stories live. Discover now