Chapter 6- Meeting Jessica's Parents

Start from the beginning

"Looks like Jess has an admirer" her Dad suddenly says, breaking me from my thoughts. Blinking, I realized I'd been just starring at Jessica the whole time. Both our faces lit up on fire as our gazes turned to the floor. "Sorry, I happened to zone out while looking in her direction" I say smiling awkwardly. Her parents just laugh "Ignore him, he likes to tease people all the time." Mrs. Night says shaking her head with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. Dad is weird like that. Well we have a project to start. Kaylee's staying over, again. See you later!" Jessica says jumping in quickly. With a quick smile to her parents, she grabbed my hand and started to drag me off. "If you'll have me that is, don't want to intrude!" I say as I get pulled away. "Of course, we'd love to have you!" her mother says while her Dad gives us this look. "Aww you girls are so cute together!" he Dad says. "Alright! That's enough! Bye guys!" Jessica says pulling me away from the kitchen.

Once far enough, Jessica lets me go and slows down to a normal walk. I notice a faint blush on her cheeks and tip my head curiously "What was that for?" I ask. "They're so embarrassing, this is why I never bring people home" she mutters shaking her head. I only laugh and follow her as we make it back to her room "Well, they just love you that much" I say with a faint shrug. "Which by far is is way better then my jacked up family" I muted under my breath. Glancing back at me she raised an eyebrow "What'd you say?"

"Nah it's nothing. Let's get to work shall we? We've missed a day and a half now. Not that others will be working the weekend but whatever" I answer. Sitting down on the floor, we look at her notes and start mapping out what we wanted to do for the project. That alone took nearly an hour and then gathering supplies took another half hour.

Conversation flows smoothly as we talk about whatever came up, chatting like we'd been friends for years. Her Mom comes in now and then, checking in and then bringing food and drinks for us.

"Your parents are so cool" I remark as I much on a cookie and watch her work some. She only shrugs "I guess, they can be a pain often enough" she answers not looking up fro what she was doing. "All parents can be pains but they're like that because they love us" or should. They should be all kinda and loving and suck towards their kids but clearly that doesn't always happen.

"Hey stop just sitting there! Come help me you lazy butt!" Jessica snaps with a glare. "What ever say princess" I answer, teasing her lightly as I finish my cookie up. Lying on my stomach next to her, I grab a blank sheet of paper and picked up a pencil, twirling it between my fingers as I watched her work. "What am I drawing again?" I asked looking over to see what she was doing.

She scowls at me and I just smirk "Kidding, calm down princess" I tease as she turns her attention down to the blank paper. Picking up my pencil, I touch it lightly against the paper and gets to work on drawing a few things that needed pictures to go with them. My attention becomes so focused on the work, I doesn't noticed two pairs of eyes looking over my shoulders as I drew.

"You're an amazing artist"

I jump slightly and see Jessica's Mom and Jessica behind me, her Mom wearing a cries smile. "Thank you, it's just a little hobby I have" I answered with a slight shrug. Her Mom gives me a skeptical look "A hobby? Surely you've taken classes?" she inquires. Shaking my head, I sit back some, twirling the pencil around in my hand. "Nope" I answer with a faint shrug.

My gaze slips past the two as they peer at my drawing, finding a clock on the bed side table. It was about 5:30. Hm, guess I zoned out for a good 45 minutes...

"Well, I just came up to say dinner will be ready at 6" she says before heading out. Jessica nods, "Sure thing Mom, we'll be down" "Thanks again for having me" I call as she walked out. Stretching my limbs out with a long yawn, I glanced over all the work we'd done. We were working on making a presentation on the Second World War. It wasn't to hard really, there was just a lot of information we had to compact into one thing.

"So...I guess I'm staying over?" Jessica nodded "Yep, you are. The more we get done now the easier it will be when we put it all together" she answers. Nodding I stand and shuffle towards her door. "I'll be right back, gotta grab a few things. Oh and I'll take this bag back too..." I say grabbing my sports bag with a smile.

Navigating the halls briskly, somewhat knowing the house better then before, I made it outside and onto the streets. Looking around, I found I was only a few blocks away on the other side of the deep woods. Arriving at my home in about 10 minutes, I quickly toss stuff in the hamper, grab the things I needed for the night and double checked everything.

Once I had everything, I slung my bag over my shoulder and locked the house up before jogging back to Jessica's house through the woods. To say I was a bit excited would be quite an understatement. My excitement levels were way higher then I'd ever care to admit but I couldn't really help it. It was making me nervous some but nothing I couldn't handle!

Arriving back at the house at exactly 6, I rung the door bell. Her Mom answered with a warm smile and welcomed me back inside where I set my things by the stairs before following her into the dinning area.

Everything was all set up and ready to go. Surprisingly, it looked as normal as you'd picture any family dinner. There weren't any candles, no chandeliers or fancy plates and silverware. It didn't give off the 'I'm-super-rich-let-me rub-it-in' kinda vibe which was pleasant, it was very home-y feeling.

"Thank you again for having me Mr. and Mrs. Night" I say with a smile. "You too Jessica. This is great, you guys are like the family I'll never have" I say, my mind not registering what I said right away. Thankfully, I only get a strange look and smiles "Oh it's no problem. You're welcome over anytime. Right Robert?" "Of course! You're one of the better friends Jess has brought over" he remarks with a chuckle. "Dad!" Jessica scolds with a scowls. "I'm honored you think so highly of me" 

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