Season 1 Chapter 11: Top 3

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After Rin had accepted Isagi's challenge, both teams scanned their fingerprints and registered themselves for the three-on-three rivalry battle. Inside the goals was Blue Lock Man from the previous stage with the same set of skills as before.

Both teams got into position and the ball was with Isagi and the others, Team White.

The kick off starts and the whistle blows as Isagi passes the ball to Shihai's feet as he runs up the field.

Aryu: Tokimitsu, you mark Number Four.

Tokimitsu: Huh? Um, okay.

Tokimitsu runs at Shihai but the egoist doesn't stop running as a smirk appears on his face.

Shihai: The rankings simply reflect the order in which we cleared the first stage, right?

Shihai then brings his leg back which makes Tokimitsu think he was going for a pass this early in his run, but it was a feint as Shihai's foot skims the top of the ball and rolls it to the right while he spins with it. Tokimitsu tries to go the right and stop him, but Shihai tricks him and knocks the ball between Tokimitsu's legs.

Tokimitsu: Ah, sorry. He got past me.

Shihai: I leveled up a bit from that training with Blue Lock Man, you see.

Isagi: Nice, Shihai!

Isagi follows Shihai's movements and runs alongside him as the next person in Shihai's way was Rin.

Shihai: Next up is you, Rin.

Isagi: ( Let's go, Shihai. A one-two pass. )

However, instead of sending a pass to him like Isagi expected, Shihai lobbed the ball over Rin's head and to the goal box where Nagi was.

However, as the pass was coming his way, Aryu gets behind Nagi and marks him.

Aryu: I have arrived. I'll stop you, glam-style.

As the ball was about to reach Nagi, he sees someone running up close to the goal. He then taps the ball back with his amazing control and sends it to Isagi who was in a free space.

Nagi: At this distance and this timing, it's within your range, Isagi.

Isagi: Nice, Nagi.

Isagi stares at the ball and focused on making his foot connect with the ball instead of adding any more force than what was necessary. He then uses his improved Direct Shot and shoots the ball at the goal as it hits the back of the net.


Isagi: Eat it!

Shihai: Nice! Isagi, I think your shots are getting more accurate.

Nagi: Yeah, they're very efficient now.

As the three get together and start to celebrate their goal, Isagi starts to think that it was certain that they could beat the top three.

Isagi: ( Thanks to that training, I've definitely gone up a level! Plus, we're launching attacks made possible because we understand each other's weapons. We're good enough. I mean, we're seriously strong! We can beat the top three! )

While Isagi was riding on his newfound confidence, the other members of Team Red were impressed by the goal Team White scored except for Rin, who sighs after seeing it.

Rin: Okay. I get the picture. You're operating at such a low level, I might actually die of boredom.

Rin rolls the ball in the center of the field and puts his foot on it.

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