22. We are going back!

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"After an eternity, I beheld you once more. My heart raced, and my eyes ceased to blink. Perhaps, I was always waiting for this moment?"

 Perhaps, I was always waiting for this moment?"

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After Eight Years!

"Wow! That's so fascinating!" A shout broke into the living room, accompanied by the background music from the TV.

"What's up?" Taehyung called from the kitchen as he prepared tea for both of them.

"That line, 'The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?' is actually a romantic phrase that can signify 'I love you, but I'm letting you go'," Hoseok explained, pointing at the TV where a quiz game was in progress.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?"  memories flooded back to the time Taehyung had heard those words from someone. Could it be that seemingly random things hold such profound meaning?

Suddenly, Taehyung's phone started to ring—not an ordinary ring, it was like an alarm. He quickly grabbed the phone from the kitchen counter and saw it was tracker notice.

His eyes widened in alarm as he called someone urgently. "What is he doing inside police station?!" he roared into the phone.

With each piece of information he received, his expression grew darker. After getting the full story, he commanded, "I'm coming. Until I get there, manage everything. No one touches him, not even the police officers! Tell him to cooperate if they ask questions, but he isn't going inside the jail cell!" He ended the call, turned off the oven, and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where's my tea?" Hoseok whined when he saw Taehyung walking out empty-handed.

"I'll get you tea on the flight. Pack your bags, we're going back to Korea," Taehyung said as he headed upstairs to his room.

"Finally!" Hoseok shouted, a mix of excitement and relief in his voice.

It took almost fourteen hours for them to land in Korea. After packing everything, Taehyung and Hoseok took a taxi straight to the Seoul police station.

"I talked to Soobin. He's working on getting the bail, but I don't think he'll be able to secure it, Taehyung," Hoseok said, checking the documents Soobin had sent him over the phone.

"I don't care, he isn't staying in jail! Tell Soobin I need the bail, no matter what, or his head will be on the roadside tomorrow," Taehyung replied, his anger palpable. Hoseok shook his head at his hot-tempered friend.


Jungkook sat quietly, avoiding the stares he was getting from the people in the room. Despite his efforts to ignore them, he couldn't help but hear their whispers.

"I heard he killed his mother," one person whispered.

"But I heard he's a very famous psychiatrist! Why would he kill his mother?" another responded, their whispers growing louder.

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