15. None The Wiser

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All the concerns of Alice's meeting with Red Bull should have been non-existent, as they were more than willing to discuss the workload. She felt a bit guilty for having thought they might resort to firing her, if she asked to be less present, but the lady she talked to was very understanding of her situation... even joked that she couldn't be let go that easily, because of the extensive contract she signed.
Joanna, was her name, and she assured Alice that if she had any more concerns about her job, she would always be open to talk, and from now on she wouldn't need to track down Christian Horner in the paddock if she needed anything. She could just give Joanna a call, and similarly that would be the way forward to do the scheduling for which race weekends she would be working.
It was quite a relief to get it all sorted out before the season, not feeling pressure to push herself beyond her limits.
And she definitely wasn't thinking about that thing she was not supposed to think about.

Being bored waiting for Sebastian, she left the factory before he was done with work.
She had lunch with Daniel early while Sebastian was working through it, and he had been one of the people she felt she could trust to tell about her and Sebastian's marriage. But he already knew and had a gift for her, urging her not to open it right now.
Managing to catch Sebastian between one of his simulator sessions, she knew it best to tell him in person that she was just leaving because she was bored, otherwise a simple note or message left for him, would make him come rushing after her, thinking something was wrong. She had done that number a few too many times, but her new goal was to not hide anything from him. He almost seemed pleased, when she said she was bored.
She got a lift back to apartment from one of the staff drivers, not needing to worry about a taxi. But she felt just as bored being back in the apartment. When she wasn't doing anything, when she couldn't do anything, she would much rather have been back home and exploring the new town with her camera. It wasn't as fun exploring Milton Keynes over and over... and even back at the factory, she wasn't allowed to photograph the interesting things, only the 'tourist' stuff.

The husband returned late in the evening, looking a bit weary. He had messaged that he would need to stay for dinner at work and she should order something for herself instead of waiting for him. But she did want to wait for him to come home, rather than go to sleep. She had opened the gift from Daniel and felt a bit inspired.
Sebastian was seated in the bed with some papers, nose deep with his eyebrows drooping down over his eyes.
"What are you reading?", walking over to him, she traced her fingers up his arm.
He put the papers down on the bed table and rubbed his eyes. "Daniel's race simulations."
"Speaking of Daniel... he got me this interesting book today as a wedding gift. I was reading a bit through it..."
"Oh yeah? What's it called?"
She spread her bare legs over him to place herself on his lap, "Kamasutra." Pushing him back against the headrest, she licked along his neck while feeling his chest. Her hips were already doing the talking, rubbing herself against him. "Touch me," barely just as whisper leaving her lips. Feeling the movement of her hips, his hand moved across her stomach, feeling down her underwear, and further inside, as she kept thrusting against him and the massages of his fingers. Her breasts weren't as sore anymore, more sensitive by the touch of being pressed against his chest, and he kept warming her up like a fireplace spreading its fumes across her body.
The unoccupied hand moved the hair from her face to focus on her, "What page is this?"
"Shh-shh-shh," she put a finger across his lips, before replacing it with her own lips and tongue crossing between them.
Her final thrust felt slow but so violent by the thirst against him, craving for the touch he was giving her. She had been holding it in but could no more, as she wanted to scream but barely just a squeak was released into his ear as she fell heavy against him with shakes felt through her body.
"What else is in that book?", he was softly stroking the back of hair while she was still leaning up against him, breathing her full capacity out in a laugh.
She rolled... or fell, sideways off him (and his fingers), just lying flat down and still, with her body touching his.
"That room across my office... at home...," his fingers tickling along her thigh... "Do you want it?"
She went back to rest her head on his lap, looking up at him, "For what?"
"Your own office. You ought to have one. I know it didn't look like much because of all the boxes, but it has a garden door to a patio area that leads around the house to the forest. I thought it would be a nice room for you, when you are working and need some space, you can just go out to grab some fresh air whenever you need it... you did seem comfortable when I found you on the floor," he was over-explaining himself with the suggestion, but really she was just surprised he had thought that far.
"You think so?"
"Yeah! We could put furniture and shelves along the walls with frames of some of your photographs. They have a printer in town. And-and then you could get a desk for your computer and bookcase storage for all your camera equipment. So you don't have to live out of a bag and a suitcase anymore. Although you could probably fit in it now," chuckling to himself.
She reached up under his shirt, just to feel along the skin and small hairs of his bare chest, "I haven't reached that part in the Kamasutra yet."
"You have a long reading list to get through with your new free time. What do say? Or is there another room you would prefer?"
"I hadn't really thought about it. I should have known you would have. Okay. Yeah, sure," she took his hand and kissed the wedding band, "Thank you."
He pulled her hand up to kiss her own wedding band back. She kept resting on him as he took the papers and went back to his work and reading, and shortly after she fell asleep using his comfortable thighs as a pillow.

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