21. I Worship You.

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"I should have known better, that love isn't always enough to hold onto someone."


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The next few days were a whirlwind of activity for Jungkook. He was determined to finalize all the necessary arrangements for Taehyung's passport and visa as quickly as possible. Since Taehyung was now officially an adult, they didn’t need his parents' permission. All Jungkook needed were Taehyung's signatures on some documents.

Jungkook's sense of urgency was heightened by the news from Jimin that Taehyung's parents had become increasingly aggressive in their attempts to force Taehyung to sign over his shares of the family company. Jungkook's primary concern was Taehyung's safety. He wanted to get him out of that toxic environment as soon as possible.

He tried calling Taehyung several times, but the younger man didn’t pick up. However, Taehyung answered when Jimin called, making it clear to Jungkook that Taehyung was upset with him. It was understandable, given their last intense encounter. Jungkook accepted that Taehyung might want to maintain some distance from him.

To expedite matters, Jungkook sent Jimin to meet Taehyung and get the necessary signatures. Thankfully, Jimin was able to do this without any issues. With the documents signed, Jungkook swiftly moved forward with the preparations.

Jungkook had already arranged for Taehyung to stay in London with two of his old friends, Jin and Namjoon, a married couple who lived next door to the house where Taehyung would be staying. Although Jin and Namjoon initially resisted taking any payment, Jungkook insisted on compensating them for the housing. They eventually compromised: Jin and Namjoon would look after Taehyung's meals, and Jungkook would pay for the housing.

Jungkook knew Jin was an excellent cook and hoped Taehyung would enjoy Jin's cooking as much as he did. He wanted Taehyung to feel as comfortable as possible in his new environment.

In addition to securing housing, Jungkook also arranged a spot for Taehyung at one of the best law universities in London. He remembered how Taehyung had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer, and he wanted to support that dream.

Lastly, Jungkook contacted the psychiatrist he had seen during his own time in London. Although the doctor’s treatment hadn’t fully suited Jungkook, he knew the psychiatrist was a highly skilled professional. Jungkook hoped that Taehyung would benefit from the doctor’s expertise and receive the best possible treatment for his condition.

As he finalized the plans, Jungkook couldn't shake the heavy feeling in his heart. He wanted nothing more than to keep Taehyung safe and happy, even if it meant sending him away. The memory of Taehyung's desperate and dangerous declaration still haunted him, but Jungkook knew this was the right decision. Taehyung needed a fresh start, a safe haven far from the chaos and pain of his current life.

With everything in place, Jungkook took a deep breath, hoping that this would be the beginning of a better future for Taehyung.

It was almost evening, and Jungkook stood by his open window, the cool breeze doing little to soothe his troubled heart. He had skipped work today, not because of any physical ailment, but because his emotional turmoil had left him feeling drained and unwell.

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