What's in store

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Sry it's been a while. I'm at the end of college with 1 1/2 week left so wish me luck.

As I followed Elijah down the hallway, I began to notice a tone of servants passing us carrying cleaning supplies. Whenever we passed them, they'd bow to Elijah and give me a small wave. I would shyly wave back at them. Elijah turned a corner and down that hallway was a door with only a keyhole. As the two of us got closer, I began to shake out of fear and clench onto Elijah's arm without noticing. Eli placed his hand over my own. "It's alright. Don't be scared."

"W-Where are you taking me?" I asked as Elijah sighed. "To a place that you'll only see once." I watched as Elijah pulled out a key and turned it in the keyhole. The lock clicked and the door slowly slid open. I couldn't see anything but darkness. "Come. Watch your step." Eli warned as I followed closely behind him.

We walked down what felt like a flight of stairs for at least 5 minutes until we've finally reached the bottom. From there, I noticed a small amount of light lit by a candle and a mysterious figure carrying it. I stopped short, not recognizing him. "That's Jones. He's in charge of the prisoners." Wait, prisoners?

"Let us through Jones." Elijah said, as the man named Jones averted his eyes from Eli and immediately looked at me. In moments like this, I wish I brought my Care Bear plush with me. "Sir, you not really gonna-"

"No Jones. I'm just gonna talk to her." Elijah replied as Jones raised his brow. We waited for a few moments before he nodded his head and I then felt Elijah walking me into another dark hallway.

This hallway was a lot scarier than I thought. The prisoners that Elijah had mentioned were in jail cells. I didn't see their faces but I heard a lot of groaning each time we passed one of them. What made it terrifying, was how they would ask-no, beg for food and water. Other prisoners who didn't mention food or water would glare at me and Elijah. Well, mostly Elijah. They'd start spraying insults at him and making him pay for putting them down here. One of them even threaten to dump him in his own waste bucket. Ew.

Speaking of waste, I had to plug my nose due to how much it smelled down here. I constantly checked the floor to see if I was stepping in some of it too. Though, I'm pretty sure it was in the prisoners' cages. "Eli?" I whispered softly, too afraid to speak up. Elijah stopped in his tracks instantly. "Why did you bring me here?" For a while, he didn't answer and I was afraid that maybe this was wear he wanted to put me all along.

Elijah turned to me, his eyes softening in my gaze. "So I can show you the dark side of me." I flinched. "These prisoners have been here for years. Some placed in here by my parents, others by me. They're the worst people ever to exist and this is where we keep them." I had to hold down my breakfast after he said that. "I didn't bring you down here to scare you. I wanted to give you a reason to leave."

If I would've been holding something, I'd drop it. "Why would you want that?" I asked a bit hurt by his reasonings. "Delilah, the kind of work I do is dangerous. You saw what I was. You know first hand what happens to people who disobey me." Elijah rambled. "I can't have you living that life. I want you to live somewhere where you can be free and happy. And to not have this baring over your shoulder." What Elijah was saying was true. I was horrified at the fact that this is what happens to these people, but these people did this to themselves. They've chosen to be horrible. They've chosen to be murders. Elijah may not be the judge of them, but his methods aren't wrong. And I wasn't gonna walk away from him just because he had a few old bones in his basement.

I hugged myself and gave him a small smile. "It's okay Eli. I wanna stay." I say as Eli looked at me in shock. "You...don't wanna leave?" he asked as I couldn't help but chuckle. "Of course not. But I do think that this place is very creepy. Can we get outta here?" I say as Elijah cursed himself for forgetting that we were still in a shithole.

After me and him left the creepy dungeon, Elijah and I headed back to him room. "So, do you wanna have some lunch?" I would've said yes, but the thought of being down there still crept in my mind and if I thought about it any further, I'd loose it. "Maybe later."

"Well then, how about some new clothes?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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