Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Ume didn't come...

I messaged him 30 guys were making a scene at school and looking for me, and yet he didn't fucking come to save me or even check if I was okay.

I guess Kotoha was wrong, he really doesn't care about me.

"Umemiya asked me to come here because he said a gang was--," Hiragi tried to explain, but I quickly cut him off. I didn't want to hear any explanation anymore.

Long story short, a gang jumping me at my school wasn't a concern for him, I don't care for their reason anymore. He made Hiragi come instead of going to check up on me himself was a low blow to my self-esteem.

He doesn't care.

"It's fine," It was not, "Can you help be bring this guy inside, he's the leader, I wanted to talk to him,"

"Sure," Hiragi said as he carried the knocked out Gin over his shoulder,

"Oi, oi, oi!" Someone yelled coming from inside the school, "What happened here?" The school's vice principal said as he stomped his way towards the scene of the crime,

Oh shit,

"Sensei-- let me explain!" I quickly panicked, he then raised his index finger at me to hush me, 

"Sugawara-san, why am I not surprised," He sighed as he gestured for me to follow him inside the campus, "Can you bring that boy to my office, as well?" He instructed Hiragi who nodded in response.

I had no choice but to follow him,

The journey to his office felt longer than it should. I was worried that this could leave a bad mark on my permanent record and hinder my chances of getting into a good university. 

But there was no hiding the fact I was involved in the fight and I badly injured several individuals in the process.

Hiragi placed the knocked-out Gin on a chair and patted his cheek to wake him up, while I sat across him, in front of the vice principal.

"Sugawara-san, please bring your guardian here immediately while we discuss the situation," I didn't have a guardian, I came from an orphanage, but I can't exactly tell them that, can I?

I pulled out my phone and texted Kotoha-nee to come to school, hoping she could talk me out of this.

"Sugawara-san, care to explain what happened?" The vice principal asked as Gin was starting to wake up, "And you uhmm--,"

"I-Ichinose G-Gin," Gin mumbled groggily, "Where the fuck am I?" He questioned as he was beginning to realize what the situation was the moment his eyes landed on me, "You!" he yelled as he pointed his finger at me, "I'm going to bite your head off,"

Hiragi pulled the gorilla-looking guy by the shoulder and made him sit back down, while I just nonchalantly raised my hands, signifying I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

"You calm down, who are you anyway?" The vice principal questioned, 

Just when Gin was about to answer, Kotoha-nee entered the office looking frantic and sweaty, like she ran her way here the moment she received my text.

She then glared at me as soon as she saw me covered in bruises and blood, I couldn't help but awkwardly look away.

"And you are?" The vice principal asked Kotoha,

"I'm here for Yuzuru," Kotoha explained but received some rather questioning looks from the vice principal,

"Are you her guardian? You don't look older than Sugawara-san here, how old are you?" Kotoha smiled awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck, "Can you please contact someone older than you?" Kotoha was technically older than me, what's he talking about?

Kotoha pulled out her phone and started texting someone,

Don't tell me she's contacting the head of the orphanage we came from. 

"He'll be here soon, so what did Yuzuru do?" Kotoha asked,

"She got into a fight and injured around 30 individuals, including this person," The vice principal explained as he pointed towards Gin who became aggressively defensive,

"It's because this bastard is the reason why Kaori won't come back to me!" Gin practically screamed.

So this is about me setting up Kaori with Ume? I kind of feel bad now, but if they aren't together, to begin with, then they must have not worked out so how was this my fault?

"Kaori? Seto Kaori?" The VP questioned, he then immediately called one of the teachers to summon Kaori to the office, moments later she arrived at the office, still looking frightened to the bone the moment she saw Gin.

Not long after Seto-san's arrival, Umemiya also arrived at the office.

Why was he here? Don't tell me he was the one Kotoha texted to come here.

Why did he have to come now that I don't want to see him,

"What's going on?" Ume asked Kotoha who just gestured for him to listen,

"Can someone please explain to me what is going on?" the vice principal asked, completely annoyed that the office was getting packed with too many people.

"This guy and his gang just ambushed me here out of nowhere," I was quick to explain, "I don't even know what's his deal!"

"It's because of you that Kaori left me!" Gin rebutted, 

"Ha? I have nothing to do--,"

"You stole Seto Kaori from me!" I was frozen in my seat, everyone in the room was dead silent,

"Excuse me?" Was all I could mutter out, "I stole her from you? Why the hell would I do that?"

"Isn't that why you're here? To visit her?" Bro, where is all of this coming from? "That's what Kaori told me,"

I was appalled,

"Kaori said she's dating a guy named Sugawara Yuzuru and he always comes to visit her at this school, that's why you were at the karaoke cafe the other day," My jaw dropped, "She said that Sugawara Yuzuru was a famous gang leader, that's why he asked Bofurin to look after her,"

"I go to school here," Was all I could say as I pulled out my school ID and showed it to him, "I'm very much a female and I am not dating Seto-san,"

Gin was speechless,

I could hear Ume and Kotoha holding in their laughter,

I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life.

I turned to Seto-san who was looking down at the floor completely embarrassed and guilty about the whole thing,

"Seto-san, care to explain?" The vice principal asked Seto Kaori to explain, she then started bursting out crying,

"I didn't want to get Umemiya-san involved with Gin and his gang, so I told Gin that Sugawara-san was my boyfriend, I didn't think he'd come here and cause a scene!" She cried,

I didn't know what to say or feel about this,

I wasn't offended by what Seto-san did,

I was mostly offended that I was believed to be a boy

Not one of those 30 guys noticed I was a girl.

Not a single one.

A/N: Sakura Haruka next chapter!

I am a girl after all [WINDBREAKER - Umemiya Hajime]Where stories live. Discover now