Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"That's her, right?"


"The one wearing pants"

"That's a girl?"

"Yeah! She's the daughter of that retired martial artist,"

"Suzuki Tatsuya? Isn't his kids like 8-year-old twin boys?"

"She's his daughter from another woman,"

Great! The moment I walked into this stupid all-girls school, the first thing I hear is about my backstory. Not that I was hiding it or anything, it's just not something to be proud of.

People didn't really like me because I was blamed for my father's 'early retirement' from the mixed martial arts scene, he was a professional athlete who represented Japan in international competitions. The media made a stupid rumor that he got kicked out of the national team because of his infidelity but in reality, he retired because he cracked his skull which he admitted to the press.

Although my existence was indeed a huge scandal, it wasn't the reason why he retired and became a coach.

"Why did I even enroll in an all-girls school?" I mumbled to myself as I headed to my class.  Oh, I remember now. Out of impulse, I enrolled in an all-girls school because I wanted him to see me as a girl. I thought I gave up on that so why the hell did I enroll here?

I was alone and didn't know anyone in this school, I grew up in an orphanage and studied on the other side of town, after all. 

I wanted a clean slate here but I guess I can't escape my past.

Oh well.

I headed to my seat and quietly read my book, it was easy ignoring the whispers and icy stares since I pretty much experience it wherever I go.

What I couldn't ignore was the loud squealing coming from the courtyard.

A bunch of girls were screaming and cheering like there was some celebrity that arrived in our school. Everyone in the classroom quickly headed to the window to see who it was while I just remained in my seat and continued reading my book.

I didn't give a rat's ass about who that person was until I heard the girls scream his name.

"Umemiya-san!" A bunch of girls squealed,

I immediately froze,

What the fuck was he doing here?

I got up from my seat and quickly headed to the window to see for myself and to my dismay, it was indeed Umemiya Hajime with a bunch of guys from Furin in the courtyard.

Hide, that was the first thing that came to mind.

Ume must not see me. No one must know that I am an acquaintance of this person or my high school life is completely fucked.

If ever I do make friends in this school, I want to do so on my own terms. I don't want people talking to me just because I know Umemiya.

I need to hide.

"Yuzu~! Hey~!" Umemiya cheered as soon as he spotted me, he didn't even give me a chance to hide!

Everyone, including the people in the courtyard and my classmates, went completely silent and just stared at me in disbelief.

I quickly ran down to the courtyard like my life depended on it and dragged Ume somewhere there were no people.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ume questioned, completely oblivious to why I was mad. "Where are we going?"

"What are you doing here?!" I spat bitterly at him as soon as we reached the back of the school building. 

"I came to see how you were doing, it is your first day in high school after all," He said with a playful grin, "So how are your classmates, are they being nice to you?"

Ha? What am I? A child?

"Isn't that Umemiya-san?!" A bunch of girls passing by saw us talking and were fangirling like crazy, Ume just smiled and waved at them, making them fangirl even more.

"Who's that guy he's with?"

"Wait, isn't that her"

"Why is she with Umemiya-san?"

They talk about me like I was some disgusting freak but that wasn't the reason why I was getting pissed. I hated how they would fangirl over Ume, and I hated how Ume entertained them by smiling and waving back.

I was jealous.

"Leave," I muttered lowly, this took Ume by surprise. "I don't want you here," I continued, he was completely taken aback by what I said.

"Yuzu--," He started off, but I was seeing green I didn't want to listen to what he had to say, I was completely pissed.

"Just-- don't come here, I don't want you coming here," I hissed, I didn't want to see girls screaming for him. I hated it, I hated it so much.

I hate that all these girls were swooning over him, 

I hate that so many girls were in love with him,

I hate that he has so many girls to choose from,

And I'm not one of them...

"Just leave," I said one last time before walking out and heading back to my class.

I am a girl after all [WINDBREAKER - Umemiya Hajime]Where stories live. Discover now