Chapter Twentyfour.

Start from the beginning

I can't help but yawn as I get up on my feet and walk over to my desk to start my laptop. After I've entered my password, I remember that Brooklyn and Amy took pictures and filmed with my camera as well.

My camera is one of those where you can film and take pictures at the same time. I take it out of my suitcase and crash down in the chair in front of my desk again, plugging my phone in first.

Then, I transfer the video that they taped on my phone. Yes, they filmed the entire thing. My battery was full, and I'm not sure how long you can tape, but it was good that they got the entire performance.

When the transmission is complete, I unplug the phone and plug the camera in instead. All of the pictures, and the video(s) that was on the camera starts transferring. I can't help but smile, remembering the performance.

The boys were flawless, and what was even more awesome, was that we were front row. We had really good sight over the stage overall, and whenever the boys stood on the edge of the stage, we were really close.

They all smiled and waved at me and the girls at least once - if not more. But why wouldn't they smile? Performing at Madison Square Garden is one of the biggest things a celebrity can do, actually. It must have been a, as the boys would say, massive honour to perform there.

When all of the transmissions are done, I put my camera in one of the drawers in my desk, and turn off the laptop. I'm going to look at the pictures and videos later, or maybe tomorrow, because I'm too tired to do that now.

I get up on my feet, put my phone in my pocket and walk over to my suitcase to unpack. All of the clothes (not that I brought a lot of clothes, but you know) that I didn't use, I put on the edge of the bed for now.

I put the makeup stuff in the cabinet in my bathroom, and leave my brush there as well. Running a hand through my hair, I yawn - once again - as I check through the entire suitcase to see if there is anything I've forgotten to unpack.

Since there isn't, I put the suitcase in the very back of my closet. Then I take all the clothes from the bed and put them in the closet as well.

Tapping the side of my leg to get Hayley to follow me, I leave my room and walk down to the kitchen. It's 3:04 pm at the moment, and mom has started the cooking.

"What's the matter, sweetie?", she asks when looking at me over her shoulders.

"What do you mean?", I furrow my eyebrows.

"Well, for starters, you look really tired. As if you've been driving for more than just three hours.", she states worriedly.

"My head hurts like crazy, I'm exhausted from the driving, and I didn't want to leave. So, yes, I look tired.", I say, sounding a bit more irritated than I thought.

"There's no need to be rude.", mom says.

"I'm not being rude!", I exclaim. "Sorry. I'm just not in a good mood."

"Is there anything special?", she asks. "Something you'd want to talk about?"

I sit down at one of the chairs by the table and start playing with my fingers. "As said, I didn't want to leave."

"Why not?", she asks, sounding confused.

"Mom.", I state, giving her an 'isn't it obvious'-gaze. 

"I understand that you wanted to stay there because it was your favorite band, but honey..", she starts. "They're just a band."

"Stop saying that!", I exclaim and get up on my feet. "You've always been the supportive one! You even found out where they were staying just so you knew what train tickets to buy! And now you're telling me they're just a band?!"

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Kayla, I just-", she states.

"Shut up!", I cut her off, earning a very sharp look from her. "I'm not hurt! Don't you get it? They're not just a band to me, mom! They're so much more!"

"First of all, think about your tone, young lady.", mom says, pointing at me with the spatula. "Second of all, maybe I don't understand. Why don't you fill me in, then?"

I sigh, take a deep breath and then start explaining from the bottom of my heart. "Okay. I'll fill you in. They're not just a band to me, because they are actual human beings I care about. Sure, go ahead and call me obsessed, but they mean so so much to me. It's not something I can explain in words, okay? I just care about and love them so much."

"Bu-", she tries to interrupt me.

"I'm not done!", I say. "It's like.. A good comparison is how someone loves their soulmate. You love your soulmate, not just because they look good or because of their personality, but also because you just do. You really don't know why you love him or her, but you just do. That's how I feel. I can't explain why I care about and love them so much, but I just do."

"Fair enough.", mom nods. "I didn't mean to make you so upset, Kayla."

Too angry to answer her, I just sigh and storm off into my room. Hayley follows me and manages to enter my room right before I close the door. 

I put my phone on the bedside table and crash in my bed. Lying on my back and just staring at the ceiling, I feel a weird feeling in my stomach. Furrowing my eyebrows, I rush into my bathroom, and don't have time to close the door before I fall down to my knees and vomit in the toilet.

Cursing in my mind, I flush the toilet and get up on my feet. I don't want to become sick, I whine in my head. Convinced that I can keep whatever sickness I'm about to get away by doing things, I lie down on my back - on the floor - and start doing sit ups.

"What are you doing?", Chase asks, standing by the door to my room.

"Sit ups.", I snap. "What the hell does it look like I'm doing? Flying?"

"Woah, easy there. Why are you so grumpy?", he continues.

"Because I'm not in the mood and I'm trying to keep the sickness away.", I reply angrily.

"What sickness?", he asks, suddenly all serious.

"Something.", I shrug. "I just vomited."

"And here you are doing sit ups?", he gives me a disapproving gaze.

"Yes!", I exclaim, sitting up straight to catch my breath.

He enters my room and seriously walks over to me. Standing in a ridiculous distance from me, he leans towards me and brushes the hair out of my forehead. Raising my eyebrows questioningly, he places his palm against my head.

"What ar-", I start.

"Yup. You have a fever.", he interrupts.

"No, I don't. I can keep it away.", I state and start doing sit ups again.

Chase laughs sarcastically at me. "Kayla, sis, you're boiling, you know that right?"

"I'm not!", I say stubbornly.

Chase just shakes his head and walks over to me. He takes a hold of my arms, trying to get me up on my feet. I place all my weight on the floor, just focusing on being as heavy as I can possible become.

When I realize that fighting Chase is pointless, I give in and let him help me up. He's still holding my arm when I start walking towards my bed, but I snatch it away and give him a very disapproving look.

"What?", he laughs.

"You're an idiot.", I state, getting under the covers.

"Because I'm helping you?", he continues. "That's real grateful, sis."

"Not because of that, you moron.", I snap, burying my head in my fluffy pillows. "Because you're never this nice to me."

"I'm always nice.", he chuckles sarcastically and walks towards the door.

"If you say so.", I say, even though he's probably halfway down the hallway to his room.

I just shake my head and take my phone from the bedside table. Just because I'm so damn stubborn, I suddenly cough. Great. I really am sick. Wonderful.

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