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Rimuru's POV

As we crossed the portal, I could no longer feel any eyes on us. Did it not follow us? If that's the case, then it's good. I'll have to talk with Finn regarding what it could be.

I look around and see that we had teleported in the middle of a large, grassy plain. A few kilometres away, there was a road which had a large group of people using it. There were atleast ten carriages all lined up one after the other. All the carriages were of poor quality, something that the common folks would use.

As we teleported on the road, a good distance in front of them, we waited for them to arrive. Most of the people were wearing shabby clothes and had little to no luggage with them. Why do they look like refugees?

"Guys! Are you going to Rigland as well?" The leader of the carriages called out to us. He was an old man with a kind smile on his face. The experience of years of life had made their marks on his face in the form of his grey hair and moustache.

We just slightly nodded and he gestured us to join him.

"The war really had spread a lot. It's such a sad thing. We all are also going to Rigland. It's safe to go together." The man told us. War? Right after Finn became a new God? This is going to be quite troublesome if he doesn't sort this out quickly.

"Ah! Thanks a lot."
"No need, no need. We are all humans. It's only natural to help each other. Especially in such troublesome times." The man said with a smile. I could sense no greed or ulterior motive.

As we joined the main carriage, the carriage began to rock as we began to move.

"Here eat something. It must not have been easy." He said as he gave all three of us some bread and soup. The bread was cold and soup had very little vegetables, and no meat to speak of, but the fact that they even had something to eat while being refugees is commendable.

"Are you sure? It's fine if we don't eat. It must be quite a hassle to feed so many people." I said as I looked across the entire group of carriages behind us.

"You don't need to worry about it. I had a very big company which managed food, so I have atleast enough to feed everyone here." The man said with a big smile and m as he left us in the carriage with a few more people. Most of them were families and there were even some children.

Does he not suspect us? Does he think that we won't betray him? I wonder if he is just naïve, or does he have some sort of skill. Well, even if he did have any skill, it wouldn't work on us.

"Big sis, big sis. How are you so beautiful? Are you a princess?" A young girl who was barely five asked Chloe. Chloe was caught off guard by this question and desperately looked at us for how to reply.

"Don't disturb them Aria. I am so sorry." A woman, presumably her mother said as she pulled Aria towards her.

"Aria, huh? That's a good name." Ciel muttered. No one apart from me seems to have heard it. Aria. I wonder if it's a simple a coincidence that they had the same name. I wonder if she'll end up falling in love with a boy named Lucas.

3rd Person POV

For the next few days, the trio continued to move with the carriage. The carriage would often get besieged by wild monsters, but the guards escorting them would take of them. If they were in the Cardinal World, there ranks would be equivalent to C and B ranked adventurers, with their leader being an A ranked.

Once they reached the large wall which was in their way, everyone had a calming look on their face, as if all their problems had been sorted. I guess this must be the border of Rigland.

"Do you have anywhere to stay? If not you can go to the guild and earn some money doing small quests and rent a small room. Here take this money with you." He said as he gave us a small pouch with about a hundred bronze coins.

"This much should be enough for about a week." He said as he left us outside the gates of Rigland before turning around and going to help more people. I wonder if he is being hired by someone to help the refugees.

As we crossed the gates, we only had a light checking done to us. The security was a bit lax, at least that's what I thought.

"You three. Stop right there and follow me." A woman clad in red Armor said. She had long hair and was holding a helmet in her hands. There were two more people standing behind her in identical Armor, except for the helmet.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Ludmilla, leader of the Crimson Knights." She introduced herself. I could hear gasps of surprise and awe from the refugees who were with us. Is she someone famous?

"Alright. But why are we being two taken elsewhere?" I ask as we follow Ludmilla to a guard post.

"Nothing. Just some basic enquiry regarding you guys." Ludmilla said as she sat down she gestured us to do m sit down opposite to us.


"Alright where are you guys from?"

"We are from the village of Amon." This is a village that few other refugees also talked about. It was stated that it was one of the first villages to be attacked and it's inhabitants were mostly killed and only a few managed to survive.

"Amon, huh? Well, I can understand how you survived. Alright. Your profession?"

"I can hunt. And these two are my wives."

"Hunter, is it?" Ludmilla said as she noted something down.

"Do you have any way to live here?"
"No. Not really. We only have some money."

"Is that so? Then try becoming a hunter. If you are able to become a good enough hunter, I might as well consider hiring you to be a part of the Crimson Knights." Ludmilla said as she handed me a sheet paper, different from what she was writing on.

"Take this. It's an introduction letter. It should make it easier for you to become a hunter." She said.

"... Thanks."

After that she escorted us outside of the guard post. A few soldiers were playing with cards, which causes Ludmilla to become enraged and give them a beating. She was holding back quite a fair bit, but from what I saw, she might just be able to break the Hero's Egg and awaken as a True Hero.

After that we registered at the guild and we revealed a bit of our combat potential, something that wouldn't raise too much suspicion. We then got our Guild Cards. Unlike others, which were usually white, it was black in colour. They said it was to differentiate between new and old members, but I doubt that's true.

Even the other people were looking at is with discerning eyes. They kept their distance and didn't initiate any conversation.

And, as I had expected. This black card is being used to spy on us. How do I know? Simple. I had left a clone to spy on Ludmilla. So I know how she got our information. Even the introduction letter was a way for the good to know that I was too be spied on. Quite an intriguing way to spread information.


I hope you guys like it. We will finally see Rimuru and Ciel fighting in the next chapter. I am sure it was boring for the past few chapters. It was boring to write as well, but they were necessary.

[Book 2] That time I got reincarnated as a slime,no, a DRAGON?Where stories live. Discover now