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𝘅𝗶𝘅. "𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱"

"Well damn."

"I know right?" Jeonghan chuckled, reliving the moment he'd taken in the exact information he had just relayed to Seungcheol. Clearly, one boy was holding everything to a much more serious standard than the other. Jeonghan could only remember the true surprise he felt, Seungcheol however looked rather concerned.

"But still." Seventeen's leader began, looking sternly in the eyes of his co-member who now sat on the sink's countertop, using the dim lighting to fluff up his hair.

"I know, I know. It was wrong for me to snoop, whatever. But hey-" Jumping off the counter, the vocalist sent a playful wink Seungcheol's way. "-without me, you would never have figured this out~" He bragged, making his way to the exit.

He planned to make an escape before Seungcheol could berate him even further for his "toxic" behavior as he described it. Acting annoying until the point that the opponent is distracted normally seemed to work. However, with Coups, nothing was ever guaranteed. To be fair, after spending 10 years with each other, tactics like these are hard to not pick up on.

"Not so fast, Yoon." Jeonghan rolled his eyes, groaning in frustration. So close, yet so far. The childish boy removed his hand from the door's handle, crossing his arms.

Seungcheol sighed. "Listen, we're gonna go out there and you're not gonna pull any more shit okay? I think I saw Hansol heading out of the party, and if I'm correct, then I believe Nabi's heading there too. They'll meet if it was meant to be. And if not-"

"-We'll force them to meet."

"No! If they don't meet, then they don't meet. That's final." The slightly younger boy let out another groan, however this time full of annoyance.

His uncrossed arms made their way to his hips. "That's actually so boring."

Seungcheol only gave Jeonghan a look of boredom. Clearly, he was done with the conversation but stayed out of pure courtesy. Jeonghan was well aware of this, however who was he if not an occasional pester? Maybe it was the alcohol making him feel cheekier than usual, but whatever it was, it was going to make Seungcheol explode in annoyance.

"You're 100% sure you want to keep seeing Hansol moping around the dorms like a depressed ghost?"

The leader raised his eyebrow. "From what you told me, which I feel like I wasn't supposed to know in the first place, they're like done-zo right? We shouldn't meddle with that."

"Did you just say done-zo?"

"Yoon Jeonghan."

The boy chuckled, a sly smirk on his face. "Sorry sorry~ Fine. But don't say I didn't tell you so!"

"I doubt I will"

Patting the older boy on his shoulder, Jeonghan swung the door open. "Oh please, you doubt a lot of things Cheol."


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