Chapter 19

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A few days have passed since Spinner, Twice, Compress and Eri have arrived. Shigaraki was able to get Eri enrolled into the grade school program at Kuoh. She was hesitant at first due to her being isolated for most of her life. But after many talks of encouragement from Shigaraki and Toga she gave it a shot. As for the other 3 they were far too old for school so they decided to stay at home. Currently Shigaraki was in the middle of a fight with a stray devil at the abandon warehouse. Rias and her peerage had offered him to come along to which he agreed. What seemed strange to him was how Kiba was behaving. A few days ago Rias and her peerage came by because there clubroom was being deep cleaned. When he layed his eyes on an old photo of him and Irina something inside of him changed. He was fixated on the holy sword in the background of the photo. When Shigaraki had asked if everything was alright he simply brushed him off. Back to the fight Kiba seemed to be zoning out. Just then the stray devil rushed towards him but Koneko pushed him out of the way so she could take the hit for him. Kiba then realized what had happened and couldn't move. Shigaraki then used (Rivet stab+OFA) to pierce the devils heart killing it instantly. Once the fight was over Shigaraki made his way towards Koneko to try to heal her wounds. Rias however mad her way towards Kiba and slapped him across his face.

Rias: I don't know what has gotten into you recently but you could have gotten Koneko killed!

Kiba: Yes president. I finally know what my purpose is.

Kiba then left the warehouse without saying a word causing Rias to have a sadden look on her face. Shigaraki was curious as to what was going on with him but decided not to press for answers at the moment. He had finished healing Konekos wounds but she was still unconscious. He handed her to Rias and he left to go back to his home.

Meanwhile at the abandoned church there two exorcist who were wearing white robes with hoods which concealed their faces.

???: Are you sure this is the right place?

???: Yes I'm sure it is. You can sense the faint holy energy can't you?

The other exorcist could only nod there head while the other one pulled out a photo of two children holding game consoles. They stared at the picture with a sentimental smile.

???: Maybe we can meet again Shiggy?


It was the last class for the day. Shigaraki was told to head to the O.R.C building after school because the church would be sending to representatives to discuss an issue with them. Strongly Kiba had not shown up to school today. He asked them if it was alright if he brought Dabi, Toga, Asia and Eri with him to which they said was fine.

Currently we see Shigaraki and his friends walking in the O.R.C building. They where making there way to the club room when out of the corner of his eye he saw a room he had not seen before. It was a room that was sealed off with caution tape. He decided to ask Rias the purpose of that room at a later date. He then made his way into the club room and made his way to stand behind Rias to which his friends followed his lead. Sitting across from Rias was two exorcists wearing robes. One was a girl that has Blue hair with a strand of green. The other was a girl with chestnut colored hair the was styled to look like two ponytails. Upon closer look she looked a lot like......

???/Shigaraki: Shiggy/Irina!?

Everyone in the room were confused most especially the blue haired exorcist and Rias.

???: Irina how do you know this devil?

Irina: Oh well you see Xenovia he was my childhood friend. Oh how sad it is that you were a devil all along.

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