"The equipment table is all you need," Zayn points to the table filled with a variety of sharp and trustworthy medical objects that laid on the metallic, shiny table with a piece of green cloth, "Treat him just like you would treat any other person who severely sprained their ankle."

With that, I reach out to the toe and gather my knowledge I've gained anywhere from anything, movies, tv shows, reality, experiences - all of those things were patches of memory that my mind tried to search through.

Once my hand came in contact with the mannequins foot, I felt a largely swollen area which gave my mind a refresh. I quickly grab the ice on the metallic table and dabbed gently against the foot.

"Good," Zayn comments and I try to focus on my work

After dabbing for a good amount of time, the skin becomes colder and the swollen area deducts itself. I've heard that once the bruise on the sprained area gets slightly better, the hardest part is ready to be performed, so I go with my instincts and try to ignore the high amount of mistakes that I could possibly make now.

Inhaling a deep breath in, I twist the leg with a hard force, which caused a bone cracking sound once again and the toe turned to a human like structure once again, at least in my eyes.

"That was unexpected, you did a pretty good job," He smiles at me and I return the action back at him. So far so good, Taylor.

"Right, next up we have.." His voice trails off as his hands reach for a large scalpel, "This."

His arms direct right down to the stomach of the mannequin and surprisingly enough, blood seeped out of it and my throat expands - my gag reflex clearly getting sensitive.

"Work with it, in missions you're going to see a lot more."

Preparing my mind and body, I grab a tissue, stitches and a needle.

Rubbing the tissue on the blood that splattered on the realistic surface of the mannequin, sewing the skin back using the needle and the stitches, that made my enjoyment in this department linger for a short amount of time and the one hour lasted like it had been years. Zayn didn't use his extension and claim that I won't face half of those scenarios in real life, but that was just in case - and I agreed. I probably won't be delivering a baby, cutting an umbilical chord, or treating someone with major hypothermia or food poisoning.

My stomach lurches after seeing the amount of blood in my hands whilst leaving the medical center. I stop by in the bathroom to wash my hands when hands grab my waist from the back and lips were pressed against my neck - me realizing who it was right away.

"How was medical training?" A deep, raspy voice whispers and a smile tucks at the side of my lips.

"Good, how was combat?" I turn my face to see Harry, sweat drifting off his chin, landing on his shirt and his hair wet from all the training he's done, but that never fails to make me not attracted to him. Seeing him alone never ceases to make me weak.

"It would've been better with you," He whispers, "Anything you want to do besides training?" He smirks and I slap him gently.

"No, and little did I know you were the dirty whisperer type of guy," I frown at him cheekily as he kisses my cheek before running off to somewhere I have no clue about - but I guess, that's just Harry.

The next class I had was Niall. The shooting arena was the same as a shooting range, different types of guns depending on the level of your skill, the target with the ever so famous green bullseye. Aiming wasn't my thing and shooting was definitely not in the category that I'd necessary label into my list of the things I like but the class was slightly more tolerable than the lifeless mannequin in the medical department. Shooting wasn't too hard, it just required patience and lack of frustration - but I didn't handle that too well. The first half of the training was probably the most frustrating and intimidating thirty minutes of my life. The sound of the bullets scared me too much that Niall made me wear a thick pair of ear muffs to cover a huge part of the sound. And after that, I got the hang of it. The ear muffs came off after a while of getting used to the sound, hearing the loud 'bang' scared me every time I pulled the trigger, but my determination seemed to get me together. So, that wasn't too bad, apart from the fact that I almost shot another trainer named Brook, I did alright.

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