Part 13

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A 5'11 feet tall guy was standing in front of Ishan's room , hesitating whether to knock or not.

He was imaging the worst cenerios.

What could be Ishan's reaction?

At last he came to the conclusion that the worst Ishan can do is either slapping him or closing the door on his face.

Well, technically he deserves a slap and he is fine with it but he can't stand Ishan ignoring him.

So he finally gathered courage and knocked but the door opened immediately as it wasn't locked.

As he entered he met with a heart wrenching sight.

Ishan ,

His Ish ,

Was lying there back fasing the door sobbing silently.

At this moment Shubman crashed himself for being a jerk.

He is the elder one right so he should have react with maturity.

But it's never to let to undo your mistake.

Shubman went and sat beside Ishan on his bed tho Ishan was in his own world and paid no attention to him.

Shubman put his hand on Ishan's head making him flinch. On a reflexive action  Ishan sat up immediately with a jerk.

But his expression turned from being alert to being confused.

Maybe Ishan was confused because Shubman was the last person he expected to be here at this time.

When Ishan realised Shubman is real , he isn't dreaming , the confused face slowly turned into a teray one.

The next moment Ishan was on Shubman crying loudly in his embrace.

This is not the reaction Ishan planned to give Shubman. He thought of ignoring him , avoiding him and what not.

But the moment he saw Shubman every cell of his body gave up. From very childhood Shubman has always been his comfort zone , this can't change overnight.

On the other hand Shubman smiled contendly holding a crying Ishan in his embrace. He totally expected this reaction.

If Mayank would be here he would probably die from getting shocks one after another.

But Shubman knew it.

He knew his heart , his Ishan.

He knew no matter how upset Ishan is he can never avoid Shubman.

He would shout , cry and most probably hit Shubman but never leave him.

What more one can desire to have in a partner?

This is the very basic piller behind their relationship that they will never leave the each other.

They both knows it and follows it.

Yes they do get jelous from time to time but never insecure.

If this piller ever breaks , the relationship will no longer exist most probably.

Little if they knew what future is waiting for them....

Shubman hugged his life tightly and started strocking his back in a gentel manner in order to calm him down.

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