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"TOUGH BREAK," [name] groaned when she saw Kaiser behind her, all cocky and amused after watching her miss a goal during their practice match with the girls team. He smirked, "Little clown."

"You shit...Don't you have anything else to do than insult me?" She voiced out, turning to him in annoyance. She pointed to his chest while saying, "Don't you have any purpose? Maybe strategize with your team? Or play in sync instead of going rogue? It's your fault I missed!" She repeats this motion until Kaiser grabbed her arm.

"Oh, so harsh, [name]!" Kaiser coos. "I was just putting you back to where you belong! The benches in the back."

[Name] barred her teeth within the angry smile she sported. She forcefully removed her wrist from the boy's hold, massaging it due to how tightly he gripped it. "Jerk."

"You're so annoying. Even worse than the worst football team in the world!"

"Mind repeating that, Fratzengulasch?"

"Pimmelotter!" She gasped, "F**k you!"

"Do it yourself, coward." Kaiser scoffs, smirking. Yet, you could see the irk mark on his forehead. Both of them were so engrossed in belittling each other that they failed to see how close they were to one another.

Alexis watched with shock while [Name]'s teammate and hypewoman, Hina, watched with annoyance in her eyes. 'Why are they so dumb...'

The whistle resounded and they see the coach yell out, "Kaiser! Teieri! Break it up!"

Despite the coach yelling at them to break up their little squabble, they didn't budge and just continued to insult each other.

Alexis and Hina side-eyed each other as the coach angrily storms over to the pair to forcibly break them up before they started punching each other.

"[NAME]...?" A sleepy voice called out.

[Name] turned around from her spot in the kitchen and raised a brow at the person before her. "Kaiser? Why are you here." She asked blandly. "If you're looking for a fight, just get out." The girl didn't need to deal with his crap so early in the morning.

Suddenly, he collapsed, sending the both of them to the ground.

"Ugh..!" She cried in pain as her back collided with the wooden floor. "Get off me—!"


The soccer player stops as she hears Michael snoring like a donkey.

As [Name] struggled to get Michael off her, she couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked, snoring away despite the uncomfortable position. She tried shaking him, slapping his back, and even calling his name, but he remained in his slumber, oblivious to her efforts.

"Why is he heavier while sleeping?" she wondered aloud, frustration mixing with amusement at the absurdity of the situation.

Her attempts to wake him only seemed to make him snore louder, earning a chuckle from Alexis, who had rushed into the room upon hearing the commotion.

Alexis, seeing Kaiser sprawled out on [Name], couldn't help but find the situation amusing. "Awww..." he drawled. "It looks like he couldn't escape the guilt."

"What guilt?" [Name] raised a brow, puzzled by Alexis's comment.

"Nothing much!" He chirped.

[Name] rolled her eyes. What a hassle this boy is. "Whatever." she muttered, before letting out a sigh. "Well, Lex, are you going to help me get him off or what?"

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