23 (End)

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"Uuh," Kavee moaned softly, when he felt something disturb hishappy sleep this morning.

The little hand moved back and forth in disapproval, but it's like the more you try to shake it. The clamping force only became even stronger. It wasn't enough to still feel the warm breath that flew from the back of his neck until he had goosebumps again.


"Oh, what's wrong~? " His eyes widened a little in annoyance. Suddenly, the big man who was lying next to hishad woken up this morning badly.

« Crazy bastard, I'm sleepy, uhh ! »

But he cursed in his own mind because at this moment his mouth was still not working with his brain. The big man, eyes half"closed, stared at him, with a cheeky smile, looking back at him, Umm!

"Honey, are you awake yet?

"You woke me up. If you didn't bother me, I wouldn't be awake, huh?

The mouth of the person who asked suddenly took over View's mouth, making View's eyes widen, who had not yet fully recovered from the state of shock at the actions of this big man who made a surprise attack.

A small hand hit the broad back in the hope that the assailant would stop his actions, but that seemed to motivate Win more, to press his lips tighter, and kiss with more passion than ever.

The thin lips sucked and pursed tightly into his mouth. Thick, mischievous hands began to caress the white T"shirt in which the little boy had slept the night before.

As the small hand that had been used to hit the invader's back, slowly inserted a finger into the thick hair of the person above. The other hand was inserted into his thick waist. Hugging the person who woke up early.

The hot tongue penetrated the warm cavity of View's mouth. Sweeping as he explores every nook and cranny with excitement. After a while, the big man turned his hot tongue around and flirted with the thin tongue of the person under him.

Thick hands caressed the soft skin of the entire flat area of ​​her belly. Then he moved to the center of the flat chest to push on the pulpits. At this moment, it was as if he was waiting to be touched.

“Um,” the soft voice murmured uncontrollably. When Win's slender finger squeezed hisnipples until they trembled. The small figure moved slightly. When the other person pressed their hands on his upper chest alternately.

Win slides his free hand to the center of his lover's body. he caressed the light"colored stick that woke up under the little person's shorts.

"Win... Umm...

"Yes, View?

When their lips parted. The little man moaned and shouted the name of his boyfriend, unable to stop it. A small hand touched his scalp with intense tingling. Win's beautiful, soft and gentle response in hisear made the audience even more excited.

Win buried his face in the soft white crevice of hisneck. he pressed hislips to kiss him softly, before sliding hislips along hisbody. he then began to suck on the white skin, until he left light pink marks.

But it seemed that its color was not very satisfactory. Then he began to use hisbeautiful teeth to bite gently. Applying to soft, smooth skin before sending your hot tongue out to lick again.

While the sharp"faced one nestled in the cleft of the white collar, thick hands began to unbutton the flared pants from the round hips. And it didn't take long for the little boy's shorts to pile up at his feet.

Win used his thick hands to lift the little person to a sitting position, as his sharp face moved to meet hisfull lips again. Then, with both hands, he quickly pulled out View's thin white shirt.

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