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Elysia had gave Alec some space to come to terms with the things she told him last night. Alec didn't say anything after Elysia came clean so she left him to process everything. She wasn't sure if the marriage was happening or not but he deserved some time and space until then. Elysia had heard about her mother being in the institute. She was in some kind of magical coma.

Elysia was stood looking at her mother when Clary and Luke walked in. Clary had yet to acknowledge the girl as her sister and Elysia was determined to figure out why that was. Luke, however, couldn't get over the fact that he swore he recognized her.

"She looks so peaceful now." Clary said to Luke as they stared down at Jocelyn. "I just wish I knew how to reach her."

"It's gonna be fine." Luke assured the younger girl. "I'm sorry, Clary. We should have told you everything before this got—"

"Luke, we can hash all that out when we wake mom up. The important thing now is that we have her back." Clary said as she looked to Luke. Luke had to get back to the station so Clary went with and walked him out.

Elysia sighed and walked forward to look down at her mother. She wished that she would just magically wake up but she knew better than to think it would be that easy.

"Hey." Elysia turned her head to see Alec standing behind her with his arms behind his back. "You heard from Lydia? Did the clave get the cup?"

"I was gonna check on her after I was done here." Elysia's eyes went from Alec and back to her mom. She could hear his footsteps approach her until he stood next to her.

"How is she doing?" He asked her as they both looked at the woman.

"The same, I guess." Elysia crossed her arms and inhaled deeply before turning to face him. "I should probably-" Elysia pointed towards the exit and went to leave but Alec grabbed her hand to stop her.

"I did a lot of thinking last night after you left," Alec breathed out as Elysia just listened to what he was saying, "I'll admit, you caught me off guard but...it doesn't change anything."

"It changes a lot, Alec." Elysia's tone was soft and her eyes kept flickering between his eyes and her hand that still rested in his own. "What happens with your siblings when they eventually find out the truth about me? You really think that they are just gonna accept me? They won't be happy that you knew this whole time and didn't say anything."

"That isn't their business, Elysia." Alec argued with her, "the only one that needs to know the truth is me. The man about to become your husband. It's not Isabelle's or Jace's business. It's ours." Hearing Alec talk as if they were almost already married when Elysia was struggling with her feelings was...it was making her feel a little overwhelmed, honestly. But it was also making her see his loyalty was spreading past his sister and towards her.  "I get that you're scared. I can't lie and say that I'm not either but you can't let fear stop you from living your life."

Elysia didn't want that. She didn't want her fear to hold her back and if she wanted to have a future that made her happy, she needed to stop pushing everyone away. She needed to start opening up more. She needed to be herself.

"Hopefully, now isn't a bad time to also tell you that Isabelle is full on in wedding planner mode." Alec admitted to her as Elysia let out a chuckle. The two looked at one another as they couldn't help but let out small laughs at the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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